55:Chris Imagine for @CamrynKnightVail

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For CamrynKnightVail

"Chris, how do you expect me to understand if you don't tell me?" you questioned, your voice getting louder.

"There are things that you just wouldn't understand, Camryn. Okay? Even if I did fucking tell you, you wouldn't understand." He was beyond frustrated now. He walked towards the door.

You followed behind him. "Where are you going?" you asked. Your voice was softer now.

"Somewhere. I need some space right now," he replied, coldly, before opening the door and walking outside into the night.

You spent the next few days crying alone. Your best friend cane by now and then to make sure you ate and showered, but any other time, you just lay in bed, thinking about Chris.

You had had a night of disturbed sleep when you woke up, sick to your stomach. You were in the bathroom throwing up for a while.

When your friend dropped by, you were still sitting in front of the toilet.

She got you cleaned up and sat you down. "Cam, have you been getting sick like this for a while?" She had a pondering look on her face that you didn't have the energy to try and read.

You shrugged. "Not really, but I do remember feeling kinda sick the other day." You were confused as to where this was going.
"Have you and Chris... Well, have you two had sex within the last month?" she asked, straightforward.

You looked at her, shocked at the question. "I- I guess..." you replied, your face heating up.

"Cam, I think you're pregnant."

You shook your head a little before crawling up into your bed.

The next day, she took you to the clinic to make sure, and it was true. You were approximately 2 and a half weeks pregnant.

You went home and cried. It was as if you hadn't been crying for nearly a week straight. The tears were waterfalls crashing onto your pillow. You were scared, scared of what Chris would say, what your parents would say (since you two weren't married yet), but most of all whether Chris was coming back at all.

You were so deep in your sobbing, you didn't notice anyone else had come in, until you heard your name.

"Camryn?" that all to familiar voice said. "Baby, I'm sorry." He was laying beside you now, facing you. His greenish-blue eyes were tinged red from obvious hours of sleeplessness and tears.

"I know," you hiccuped. You stared at him for a while before deciding it was now or never. "Chris, I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened in surprise. "You're kidding." He didn't sound mad, so it was all good so far.

You shook your head. "I checked. I'm nearly three weeks along."

Tears trickle down Chris's face. He sat up and pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face in them.

You sat up next to him. "I know it's a really big step, but I really want to keep the baby."

He looked up, smiling. "I'm sorry for crying. I just- I'm just so happy. Of course we're keeping him- or her. We'll be a family, Cam." His face lit up at that. "We'll be a better family than mine ever was, that's for sure."

You smiled and kissed his wet cheek. "I know, Chris. I know."

I hope you like it! I'm surprised I'm not bawling. (Just saying, I bet that would be one fine-ass baby 😂) no but really. Was that weird? I feel like it was....

Our power went out a few hours before I wrote this and it's hot af. I've probably sweated most of the water I drank this week just within this few hours. Ugggh... M'kay.


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