108:Teddy Imagine for @wakemeupbeforeeggo

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For wakemeupbeforeeggo

"Lollipop, lollipop! Oh lolli- lolli- lolli- Lollipop! Pop! Bdum-bum-bum-bum!"

You couldn't hide the smile on your face as you skipped along the train tracks with two of your best friends, singing along to the cheery song. None of you wanted to remember the previous events after narrowly escaping the junkyard. You had started the singing to cheer up Teddy, who had still been pretty upset.

Teddy linked arms with you, something seemingly out of character for him. You glanced down at your interlocked elbows and looked up at Teddy, who was smiling too.

After even more crazy, dangerous encounters, you all set up camp. It was decided that you each would take turns standing guard with the gun Chris had brought.

Teddy decided to take first shift.

"The dog faced rest easy as Corporal Teddy Duchamp stands guard.."

"Shut up, Teddy!"

"Yeah. We're tryna sleep!"

When things quieted down, you still lie awake. You rolled over and looked at Teddy, leaning against a tree closer to the tracks, gun in hand. There was something about Teddy that always drew you to him, and the dawning of puberty had not made things any easier for you. In fact it made things a little more awkward between you two.

You got up and leaned against the tree next to him.

"Robyn, you should be sleeping. Your shift is after Vern's, right?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

You shrugged. "Yeah. But I'm a little too restless right now." You chewed on the inside of your lip, thinking of anything else to talk about.

While you both stood there waiting for a conversation to materialize between you two, there was a fairly awkward silence. The sounds of the various insects and the low crackle of the fire became very noticeable.

"Teddy, I kinda want to tell you something, but I don't know if I should." You looked at him, nervously running your tongue across your braces.

"Just tell me," he insisted, standing up straight to face you. "I kinda have something to tell you too, but you go first."

"No, you go first. I want to hear what you have to say," you replied. You weren't sure why you had even decided to bring up that subject, even if it was indirectly.

"Um, I like.. your teeth," he blurted before literally face palming.

You giggled.  "Oh, really? And why exactly do you like my teeth?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. They're.. real. I like that they aren't perfect, with that gap, but they suit you. Even the braces suit you. It's like no matter what, you always look just right." He sighed. "Does that make any sense? What I'm trying to say-"

"I know what you were trying to say," you cut in with a smile. "Teddy, I guess I'll tell you now." Deep breath. "I like you."

He scratched the back of his neck, which, if there had been better lighting, you would have noticed its dark pink color creeping up to his ears. "I like you too. I guess I just didn't really know how to say it."

You just smiled and gave him a soft kiss on his warm cheek.

Sorry for the wait! I've been really stressed w school stuff lately. I'll try to update again this week. I really hope you like it and thank you for requesting. M'kay.


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