170:Eyeball/Teddy Imagine for @_teddyduchamp

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For _teddyduchamp

Flowers on your doorstep. Notes in your locker. Midnight callings from your front yard. Middle of the day professions of love.

You just didn't know who to choose.

Teddy Duchamp and Eyeball Chambers had both made it known to you that they sought your affection, but the problem was that you liked both of them. You had let both of them know about your indecision. Thus began the wooing competition.

It began with Eyeball walking you to class.

"You look mighty pretty today," he'd say.

"You said that yeserday."

He'd smiled and say. "It's still true."

Then, Teddy accompanied you to football games, insisting on buying you anything you wanted from the concessions stands.

"You don't have to," you would say. "I brought money."

He'd shake his head. "I've got it."

It began as something that only came up once, maybe twice a week. However, their attempts to win you over became an everyday thing. From Eyeball driving you to school to Teddy walking you back home. From Teddy taking you to the diner to Eyeball taking you to the roller rink.

Then came the day you had dreaded since this affair had begun. You opened the door at the sound of a knock, expecting to see your friend. But there they were, waiting for you on your doorstep.

Your eyes widened as you saw them there, eyes like daggers at each other. "Teddy, Richie! What are you two doing here?" You were just hoping this would remain civil.

Eyeball answered first. "I came to see if you wanted to go catch a picture at the drive-in."

Teddy not-so-accidentally bumped into Eyeball, moving in front of him. "I wanted to take you out for ice cream."

Never had your dates conflicted with each other. If you went out with Teddy on Friday, Eyeball was taking you out Saturday. It always worked out. Until now.

"Oh, dear," you whispered to yourself. "Boys, I really appreciate that, but I'm actually going out somewhere with my friend- girls night, you know. I hope you understand." You smiled nervously at both of them, relieved to see your friends car pull up. "I've got to go."

Teddy held your wrist, keeping you from walking away. "Wait. You need to choose."

Eyeball crossed his arms.over his chest. "For once, this lunatic is right. Who's it gonna be?"

You felt panicked again, out on the spot like that.

Luckily, your friend, tired of waiting, had gotten out of her car and walked over to check out the commotion. She grabbed hold of your shoulders and moved you back.

"She'll think about it some more and let you know," she snapped at them. "But right now, we have places to be. Good day, boys." With that, she linked arms with you and led you to her car.

Teddy and Eyeball could only watch you go.

You were beginning to think this boy thing was a bit too much hassle for you anyway.

Uggh this actually sucks. I'm sorry. I hope you like it anyway. Thank you for requesting! And thank you to everyone that reads this book. It means a ridiculous amount to me how many people read and vote and comment such encouraging things.

With that being said, I have like 3 requests after this one, and after I finish those, I'm probably going to be starting to end this book. It has waaay more chapters than my Outsiders imagines book has and I think it's just time. I will announce more about this later, but I just thought I'd let y'all know. M'kay.


Stand By Me Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora