154:Chris Imagine for @StandByMeFan04

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For StandByMeFan04
Based on the song "Clumsy" by Fergie

You literally tripped the first time you made eye contact with Chris Chambers. You knew the signs, but you knew it was real this time.

Chris Chambers was the one for you.

You had gone to a different junior high school, but you moved across town and that was when you saw him. Out of all the faces you had passed in the hallway on your first day, his stuck out like like a bright flower in a field of grass.

The second your eyes met, you tripped yourself up, one foot going one way, which happened to be the wrong way- in front of the other foot. Luckily, you caught yourself before you totally lost your balance in the semi-crowded hall. You knew what was happening. This happned every time you started to have feelings for a guy, and there it was again. You were, both figuratively and literally, falling for Chris.

As time went on, your feelings only grew. Of course, you didn't tell anyone, but you hoped it wasn't obvious.

Of course, it was very obvious.

Anytime he was around you, it was like you lost all sense of direction and stability. If he so much as touched you, butterflies erupted inside your stomach, and your breath hitched.

Chris definitely knew you liked him. He realized it when he noticed how different you acted around him, compared to how you were around other people. He liked you too, but he didn't know how to bring it up when you were always one misstep away from falling.

One day, he knew he had to say something, so he caught you at your locker. "Marion."

You turned around, holding onto your locker to keep from any possible falling. "Hey, Chris."

He looked you dead in the eye. "I like you, and I know you like me too, so do you wanna go out sometime?"

You blushed, tucking a piece of your light brown hair behind your ear. "That obvious, huh?" you laughed. "That sounds nice."

Chris smiled. "Great. Maybe you'll stop being so clumsy now," he joked.

As if on cue, you went to take a step and tripped on Chris's foot. He quickly grabbed you, keeping you from hitting the floor.

"We can hope," you sighed, both of you beginning to laugh.

I'm sorry it's so choppy and short, but I hope you like it! I actually love this song (Fergie was my childhood), so thank you for requesting! I would've had it done sooner, but I was having a little writer's block with it. Obviously, I got over that tho. M'kay.


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