Own Self

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When I enter the vault there is food and water already in there and weapons galore. "Are you going to be okay in here?" Blake asks.

As long as I don't start hallucinating again. "As long as your okay out there I'm okay in here." I reply.

"Remember don't open the door and don't hesitate on shooting." He says, pulling me into a hug and spanking my butt in a playful way. "Cheer up, it'll be over before you know it."

I nod my head and he backs out of the room, shutting the door and locking it from the outside. I pull the bolt across that's on the inside and push a barrel in front of it.

A wait less than ten minutes before hearing the guys screaming and yelling then it turns into howling. I sit in the corner with the essentials and pull my knees into the chest, I planned to sleep through it but I soon found out I was too scared to fall asleep.

I hear the boys running through the hall, stomping their heavy werewolf feet as they sprinted around, ruining the place. I hear a window smash and a bunch of them running towards it, I guess they're going into the woods.

"Nora!" I hear Blake yell from outside the door.

"Blake?" I question, standing up.

"Nora, good your still in there." He breathes.

"I thought you lost compete control?"

"I did too. Maybe it's something to do with me being an alpha and finding my mate." Blake says.

"Okay, I'll let you in." I say taking a step.

"Don't you dare." He bellows. "I know I can control my thoughts and words but I don't know if I can control my actions. If I see you I could kill you, stay inside no matter what and-"

"Don't open the door, I got it." I laugh. "Go off with the others, enjoy your night."

"I hate to admit it but after the dead mail man I don't know what the vampires are planning or what their willing to risk, I'm not leaving this door." Blake explains.

"I'm surrounded by guns that I know how to use." I scoff. "What could go wrong?"

"They move faster than you react." He answers.

"Well lets test that theory tomorrow." I say loudly through the door.

"How do you purpose we do that?" He questions.

"You have similar reflexes to the vampires, right?" I ask.


"I'll have a gun and I can practise taking shots at you." I suggest.

"Sounds romantic." He chuckles from the other side of the door. "Try and get some sleep Nora."

I turn around and stare at the made up bed before looking back at the door. "Night." I look back at the bed to see a dead body, covered up by a sheet, blood soaking through from the neck area.

"It's not real Nora just close you eyes at it will go away." I order myself in a hushed voice.

"Who are you talking too?" Blake asks.

"It's not real, it's not real. Your not real." I open my eyes but the body is still there.

"I'm pretty sure I'm real Nora." Blake says from outside the door.

"Not you." I snap.

"Then who?"

I venture towards the body and slowly peel back the covers to see my own self lying dead in the bed with my throat torn out. "We told you your next." A pale faced vampire smirks from behind me.

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