'i said get the fuck out'

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It had been 2 weeks since the incident. Brad got out of hospital a week ago. I felt so bad. So bad that I ended things with Brad. I couldn't help but know that I was the reason this happened to him.

I didn't want to drag him into any of the shit that had happened in my past so I left him. And boy did it hurt like fucking hell.

I regret it so much. So fucking much. Each day. But I done it for him. I done it to keep him safe.

If Thomas gets out of prison, I can't prevent him from hurting Brad again. He doesn't deserve it.

1 month later

Brad's POV
8 weeks since the incident. 7 weeks since Eloise left me. It fucking hurt. My heart shattered. Ever since I haven't been eating properly. I haven't been sleeping properly. Jesus I haven't been doing anything properly.

She says she was doing it to protect me. Was she though? I couldn't help but think she got bored of me. It's happened before. I constantly feel like I'm not enough.

I just want someone who I can love. Who loves me like I love them.

Eloise's POV
Today I decided to go food shopping. I was walking around Morrison's when I heard my name being shouted.

I turned around to see Anne Marie. She enveloped me into a hug. Before she says anything I burst into tears.

'Anne Marie ho-how is he?' I manage to get out through the tears. She gives me a look of sympathy. 'Eloise darling I'm not going to lie to you. He isn't great. He isn't himself. He hasn't been eating or sleeping. He misses you an awful lot. I wake up to hear him still crying in the middle of the night. He's doubting himself. He thinks he wasn't enough.' She says as tears escape her eyes.

'I think I need to see him.' I cry as she pulls me in for another hug.

After me and Anne Marie's chat we both went out separate ways. I went home and left my shopping in before making my way towards the Simpsons house.

As I pull up in the drive I begin to feel very anxious. Come on Eloise you can do this.

I gathered enough to pull me out of the car. I knocked on the door and Anne Marie answered. 'You came.' She smiled.

'I did.' I forced a smile back. 'He's upstairs.' She said.

As I slowly approached the top of the stairs I heard Brad's voice along with his keyboard.

'Maybe I'm selfish
Could be obscene
But it feels like home
When you're next to me
And I don't want to leave

If I had a choice
Well then I'd choose
To make you walk a mile in my shoes
What have you got to lose?

So I've been waiting for an opportunity
Just to speak my mind
If that's alright
Might just be a couple hours out of my whole week
Usually I'm fine
It's ok not to be ok, sometimes'

I stood froze outside his door. Tears spilling from my eyes. He'd been hurting. Almost as much as me. I'd hurt him. I let the one person I love and care about hurt because of some dickhead.

I slowly opened the door. His room was dark. His blinds were closed, the only light coming from his deck where he sat with his back to me. He was in a hoodie and sweats. He had a beanie covering his curls.

I cleared my throat making him turn around. Dark bags under his eyes. His eyes red and swollen from crying.

'Brad.' I croaked. 'Get out.' He said through gritted teeth and tears. 'Brad-' interrupted me. 'I said get the fuck out!' He shouted. I began shaking and wearily walked down the stairs to find Anne Marie at the bottom looking concerned.

'I've broken him.'

A/N short filler chapter

Waiting; Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now