Chapter 3: Mana Circuits

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""A world without BETAs (Oripathy)...""

Kals'tit and Kouzuki Yuuko mumbled subconsciously. They would be lying if they weren't envious of the other two girls' worlds where everything is peaceful. 

"Ahem. So you're also from a parallel world?"

"I think so. I haven't heard of "Mascara" nor saw it in the TV."

Takanashi Touka replied to the younger girl that kind of reminder her of her own little sister.

'It's like I've only been frustrated by her delusions yesterday.', Touka thought. She is the only person left in the world who would care for her. She always played along her sister's delusions since she only wanted her to be happy.

"So you're saying that you knew him from a game?"

"That's right. My friend told me something about the guide of a game being one of the strongest character in a game."

"If there's a Causality Conductor, or someone that might possess abilities similar to it, then it is possible to create a game based on another parallel world..."

Kouzuki Yuuko went on full concentration unknowingly.  She continued deducing some possibilities and couldn't wait to verify it at her office.

'Magic Circuits, Mysteries, Reality Marble...'

Shiro recalled some things that he had just learn right now. These things surprised him a bit, especially the existence of Reality Marble. In his magic system, it is similar to a "Domain". Though, Reality Marbles can be used as long you master your "Origin" while Domains could be used as long as one is in the Grand Mage Realm.

'My origin, what is it?'

To a person whom his identity isn't even known by him, it is similar to a way in which he could know more about himself.

At the same time, Romani is marveling at a magic system that didn't involve the collective unconsciousness of people. There's no need to do various measures to protect the remaining Mysteries left after the Age of Gods had ended.

This doesn't matter if he was the "King Solomon" before, but now that he became a human, having enough power to fend off against the final boss would be really nice.

"Magic Circuits... Something that resides within the soul and is a pseudo-nervous system. Meaning, they manifest through the body."

Shiro scanned his entire body with mental power, but he couldn't find it. Then, he came to a sudden realization that he hadn't tried "running" mana on his body yet.

Due to the different natures of Mana and Aura, the body would simply sustain damages when they encounter each other. He was about to do so when Romani interjected beside him.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Are you planning to inject Mana on your body while having another energy inside it? You are more reckless than I thought."

"No, thank you. I'm confident enough with my control."

He spread his mental power yet again, but this time, he focused more on his body. He clearly saw Aura flowing in it, which is very similar to blood circulation. Who asked him to develop an Aura technique that could do this?

For this operation, he only needed to do one thing: stop this Aura circulation for a while. 

Once it stops, he'll be able to control Mana more finely and search for the Mana Circuits. As expected, he succeeded and is now spreading his mana all throughout his body.

Romani, who watched this by his side, was surprised at how finely he controls his mana. It seems to border being comparable to True Ether as well.

'I'll try that later.'

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