Chapter 147: Broken

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Just as Homura left to check out the situation, Kyuubey appeared right beside Madoka. They are now in her house, on her room to be exact. As one would expect from a girl's room, it is filled with cute stuffed toys. She also has her own desk for studying, which is the place where Kyuubey had appeared.

"So it begins."

Confusedly, she asked," What?"

"Sayaka Miki's latent potential increased due to her power from before. It's not surprising that she'll turn into one that surpasses Witches."

For a few seconds, Madoka's mind went blank. It was only until she recalled what Roman told her from before did she regain her composure. Based from it, a Magical Girl's latent potential depends on their weight on the world—on how would they affect the world. If a queen became one, then it's guaranteed that her power as a Magical Girl is tremendous.

She holds the fate of an entire country, after all.

Though, this is what confused all of them. Madoka got pestered by Kyuubey because of her "strongest potential", but Madoka herself is just an ordinary middle school student. How could she affect the world that greatly?

"Sayaka-chan... turned into... a Witch..?"

Madoka couldn't believe it. Even Shiro didn't notice something wrong, much less her. He used two [Enlightenment Chances] to make their willpower stronger, so it's a complete surprise that Sayaka turned into one. Moreover, the Level 5 Heart Demon that she had is the highest-level one, something that are generated when a person does something very unforgiveable which contrasts their beliefs.




Three bullets are fired consecutively, drilling holes to Kyuubey's body. Blood stained her desk as innards littered on top of the desk, but it disappeared soon after.



"That guy dealt with her already. You know how he can convert back Witches to normal Magical Girls, so you have nothing to worry about."

Homura explained what happened when she arrived. She could tell that both Shiro and Sayaka's Witch are on similar levels, hence her confidence on him defeating it.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps closing in to her room. Homura used her [Time Stop] to hide before seeing Junko Kaname, Madoka's mother.


"Madoka, pack up. We'll be evacuating to the shelter."

Just as she said that, the ground shook. Some small bits of rocks fell from the ceiling. Meanwhile, Junko held onto the door panel as a support.

Fortunately, Madoka only fell into her bed when this happened.

"This one's strong. I can see why they asked us to evacuate." Junko murmured while she helped Madoka prepare the items on her bag.

Soon, they finished preparing and went downstairs. There, they are greeted by Tomohisa Kaname and Tatsuya Kaname, her father and litthe brother.

"Madoka! Madoka!"

When Madoka saw him touching her pajamas, she patted him and said, "Tatsuya-kun~"

"Now, now... Hup."

Tomohisa carried Tatsuya in his arms and said, "Let's get going."


Arriving in the disaster shelter, they saw many people inside. Yet, it didn't look too closely cluttered. Perhaps, this is Japan's specialization when it comes to earthquakes.

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