Chapter 117: Cool, Cooler, Coolest!

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Sitting in the corner of the cafe, Shiro sipped his Iced Americano while internally sighing.

'This explains everything...' He thought so as he looked at the window in front of him.

[Chain QUEST—Truth Seeking]

Details: Due to the unique circumstances surrounding this world, a special QUEST has been designated. The Participants has to investigate the said circumstances, and a completion percentage will be given that corresponds to their findings. Some other mission objectives will be given once the requirements are met. The rewards will be distributed once the mission ends.

[Investigation—Akemi Homura: 5/50]

[Investigation—Universal Truth: 1/40]

[Investigation—Witches: 10/30]

[Elimination—Gertrud (Witch): 0/1]

Current Total Rewards: 250,000 Points

Note 1: Total Rewards are distributed among the Participants. However, the main contributor of each mission completion will receive more than the others.

Shiro then looked at the Chat Group panel, sending a message to Roman and others.

Shiro: "I believe that everyone saw this Chain QUEST, right?"

Roman: "Right... How the heck can a world of magical girls be this complex?!"

Touka: "Reality always exceeds the expectations."

However, Madoka has a completely different reaction than them.

Madoka: "Akemi-san?!"

Shiro: "You know her?"

Madoka: "Shiro-san... She's the one from before."

"Wait a minute... That black-haired girl..?"

Shiro: "I see..."

Roman: "Who is she?"

Shiro recalled their previous clash. He used triple [Time Accel] on the bullet before, yet she managed to avoid it; an inhumane feat, to be fair. This only signified that she either has extremely fast reaction time or...

"She can stop time."

That's the only explanation that he thought of upon analyzing that fight. While it only took a minute at best, it's enough for him to draw many deductions. Even him saying that final phrase is a calculated act to feel more information from her.

Of course, he succeeded.

The degree of shock that Homura had is at a high-level, which cemented his conjectures.

Shiro: "A magical girl. I fought with her earlier. She came out unscathed with my slightly serious attack, though."

Roman: "Unscathed?!"

Shiro: "3 Accels and a single Quagmire didn't make it."

Roman knew about Shiro's strength that can rival a Heroic Spirit. That, and his high chances of winning against a Divine Spirit in his serious state.

Touka: "Magical girls... They're strong."

Madoka: "Akemi-san is a magical girl like Mami-san?!"

Shiro: "Anyways, I made some progress with the QUEST. Where are y'all right now?"

Roman: "In a hospital."

Touka: "What a coincidence."

Just after Shiro finished his drink, he saw three familiar faces in the first floor.

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