Chapter 196: Fae

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A/N: Looks like I made this mistake... again. Only, I double-uploaded the previous chapter :v

Anyways, I apologize for this.

PS: My brain went loading for the "deja vu" paragraph comments before I realized that I fucked up again xD


Outside the cave, Castoria is silently gazing in its direction. Her [Excaliburs] are already prepared, firing off at Shiro's enemy with just a thought of hers. Furthermore, she wouldn't hesitate to pull in her true body if things escalate beyond their expectations.

By that time, none would be her match. Though, she'll have to pay the price of severe injuries at the <Creator> level. They are not simple injuries from before, but one that can't be treated with ease.

After all, the suppression of this world and the two [Wills] that presides here is overwhelming if faced alone. There are also many existences that, when teamed up, will add to the threats that she will face.

Since the time she broke out of this world and chased after Shiro, she's no longer its inhabitant, hence, the treatment.

Ten minutes.

Thirty Minutes.

One Hour.

Three hours.

At this point, she sensed the thousands of arrays open up a pathway from the inside.

'He's done...'

Just as she had expected, Shiro came out of the cave. His aura was restrained, yet she could visibly see the changes that happened to him. Then, she saw a white-haired woman being carried by his <Mind>. She knew that it must be the "girl" inside the [Greater Grail], and Shiro helping her could mean that he paid her back.

Knowing him, he would do something like this.


"...I'm back."

Hearing this, she only smiled. Castoria looked at the floating woman behind him and teasingly said, "With another woman?"

"She's not in my arms."

In the past, this exact scenario had happened dozens of times. For some inexplicable reasons, Shiro would save a girl by chance. After that, he would reject their feelings.

After all, he is fundamentally different from Fenrir who's open to a harem. Of course, it's different when it comes to Castoria. Not only had they known each other for hundreds of years as a "friend", but both of them also trusted each other completely.

As to now?

'I don't know.'

By accepting his past completely, his two sides when it comes to romance clashed.

"Right, I have something for you." Shiro said before plunging deep into his planet-sized treasuries.

'I wonder what is it~' For quite some time, she instinctively began guessing his gift. But, she realized this habit of hers and stopped it. 'I thought that I stopped this bad habit already...'

'Finally found it.'

Meanwhile, Shiro rejoiced as he found the thing that he's been looking for—a pair of earrings. It has shiny blue jewels encased in a golden metallic outline. It took the shape of a diamond, with the jewels being carried by miniature golden chains that have millions of small-sized runes inscribed into them.

Shiro went closer to her, summoning the earrings before he placed them on her ear. Their face became closer due to this action, but their reactions formed a sharp contrast.

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