Chapter 191: Meager Understanding

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A/N: Welp. It's the last 2 weeks for this semester, so things have been hectic. I do apologize if the updates go intermittent, but everyone can still expect an update of a chapter every 2 days at least. After those two weeks, we'll be going back to the stable 1 chapter per day.





A curved blade was sent downwards at Shiro's position, but the latter easily blocked it with his golden sword and stabbed the attacker's neck with his black sword.

At this moment, his mind is simply set on one thing: battle.

He is so immersed into it that he momentarily forgot his previous plans and focused on utilizing his skills to their highest degree.

[Sword Mastery (Grandmaster--95%)-->(Grandmaster--98%)]

[Spear Mastery (Grandmaster--92%)-->(Grandmaster--98%)]

[Whip Mastery (Grandmaster--91%)-->(Grandmaster--98%)]


Under the siege of countless god-level entities, it is surprising that he, a maxed-out Demigod, could massacre them like vegetables. Though, his power is attributed to his temporary materialized soul, [Paragon Martial God], and [Lord of the Mysteries]. Them, and the [Critical Strike] ability that allowed him to have an even higher enhancement.

Suddenly, he threw the [Golden Osmanthus Sword] away and turned it into its [Release Recollection] state. It didn't end there as his black sword turned into a metallic longbow.

With a single step, he reappeared in the sky. Pulling the bowstrings, a dark golden arrow was generated between his fingertips.


The arrow was released, cutting through space until it reached its target, Heimdall.


Due to his extremely sharp senses as well as semi-omniscient eyes, he can only put up his beloved sword Hofuo before the arrow exploded.


Unfortunately, he wasn't the actual target of this attack, but the soldiers underneath him. Right after the arrow turned into countless fragments, it exploded with a huge blast radius.

Seeing this sight, Shiro was unmoved.

'Hm... It can mimic these guys pretty good.' He thought after snapping out of his immersion. 'It's power to draw evil is its specialty, indeed.'

[Angra Mainyu] is well-known as the incarnation of evil in Zoroastrian myths. Though, everything is different in Fate world. Rather than being the son of Ahura Mazda, the supreme god of Zoroastrianism, he is a mortal human.

Due to the villagers' rituals, they forced onto him every bit of evil from this world. His body is inscribed with different kinds of curses and he was forced to live until he died out of old age. When he was summoned as a Servant, he was killed since his physical parameters are insanely weak.

It was supposed to end there, but mankind wished for "his" continued existence. They wished for someone to blame all their misfortunes and failure, hence the grail took that as a "yes" and allowed "him" to contaminate the grail from the [Lesser Grail].

"His" attacks went well in the first half for Kiritsugu, but even "he" didn't expect that man to have the will of steel. He simply sacrificed everything in his vision just to have the chance to destroy the contaminated [Lesser Grail].

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