Chapter 124: Another Magical Girl

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Setting those thoughts aside, Shiro probed Kyuubey once more.

"Mind telling me who Akemi Homura is?"

Hearing this, it tilted its head and said, "...Wouldn't it be more interesting to find it out yourself?"

Unlike the times when it's together with the Magical Girls, Kyuubey revealed a bit of his true nature, one that's much similar to a cold-blooded scientist.

Wordlessly, Shiro used [Projection Magecraft] and called forth one of the great swords recorded in his [Library of the End], an Aegir mechanical blade called [Avenger's Wrath].

Its color in entirety is blood-red, with a red sheen that can be seen on its sharp edge. Having the similar design as his [Quasi-Mechanical Blade], it looked more like an advanced technology instead of a primitive cold weapon.


With it weighing 10 Ton, the great sword easily sunk deep into the ground, turning Kyuubey into a bloodied mush of flesh.

[+100,000 Soul Points]

"I can see why you sported the same look as her."

Suddenly, it reappeared on top of his head as Shiro recalled the projection of the Mechanical Blade from Terra. Then, he used [Earth Restoration (4th-circle)] to repair the more than 100m narrow and deep sword crater that he made.

In no time, everything's back to normal under the rain.

Unbothered by Kyuubey's current position, he asked, "Hm... Why create Magical Girls though? I imagine you wouldn't do so without a purpose."

"To maintain the natural order." It replied.

Surprised, he is about to ask Kyuubey about something when it left with: "It's nice meeting you."

'Natural order..?'

To be honest, he truly got caught off-guard when he received this response from Kyuubey. As for the "Natural Order" that it mentioned, it can pertain to many things; thus Shiro is left under the rain, thinking about the possible conclusions from this.



After slurping the buckwheat noodles, Roman commented, "It's not as good as yours, but it's still better than mine!"

"Becoming a picky eater, are we?"

Touka added as she finished another bowl of Soba.

"Why wouldn't we? It's Shiro's fault that we became like this."

Shiro, who got attacked from nothing, could only focus on the large bowl that he's eating in one sitting. Once he's done with it, he placed the bowl into the table before laying down the chopsticks on top of it.

"I only noticed this now... I think Roman infected me with his overthinking." He said.

"Why me?!"

"I can't stop thinking about the 'Natural Order' few hours ago."

It's been a few hours since Shiro and Kyuubey met, and the three decided to meet up again in a noodle restaurant due to the cold weather that suited it.

Finishing his bowl, Roman spoke out his thoughts.

"Natural order, huh... That's way too vague to draw answers from..."

"Life, death, destruction, creation... Even karma and destiny is included to it. There's no use overthinking for now, Shiro." Touka, who is silent besides Shiro, said.

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