Chapter 25: Ice Cream

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"Where am I?"

Grasping the sword's grip, she examined her surroundings cautiously. Even though she lost all of her memories and is extremely confused right now, the first thought that came to her is safety.

"You're in a clinic."

"That's right. We picked you up and treated you here."

Looking at the people who spoke, one is an expressionless feline woman dressed in what seemed to be a doctor's gown while the other is a man who wore an expensive white robe.

"Who are you..?"

"Kal'tsit, a doctor."

"Shiro, a caster."

The stranger became silent upon hearing that. She focused on composing herself instead of being confused, something that she had done many times.

Trying hard not to be overwhelmed by the huge amount of memories within her head, she tried standing up, only to fail due to the sensation that she felt right now.

Those memories... it causes her to not have a clear distinction between illusions and reality. Being overloaded by them, she fainted once more. Shiro made a diagnosis based on his masteries.

"Her pulse rate is normal. She might've collapsed due to other factors."

"A Sarkaz with a sword..."

"Doctor Kal'tsit?"


However, Kal'tsit immediately connected the stranger to a certain acquaintance of hers. Wielding the sword symbol to the king, she's now leading her fellow Sarkaz to a new possibility.

The reason why Babel is built is due to her, too. She aimed for everyone in the world to accept the Sarkaz with open arms!

Though, every comrade of hers knew that they will be trekking a road full of difficulties. This didn't hinder them though, as they all went ahead and supported her ideals.

"You can rest for now. Leave her to me."

"Then... See you tomorrow."

Leaving the room, Shiro noticed some of her irregularities but chose not to dig it deeper. No matter what, he wouldn't just force a good acquaintance of his to divulge her secrets.

His cruelty is only known to his enemies, after all.

There's also the fact that he admired her ideals as it somehow resonated with him. Since he doesn't have any goals as of the moment, he'll lend his hand to her.


Shiro: "Hehe... You don't want to hear about it?"

Romani: "I'll trust my instincts on this one and refuse."

"Pffft... Ahahahaha!"

After using his Soul Points to upgrade to 1st Rank Winged Knight, his physique became stronger, to the point that 3 hours of sleep is enough to fully recharge him. To that, he only chatted with other chat group members to pass time.

Now that he caught up with the days worth of messages, the first thing that caught his interest is... Romani having an amnesia.

What's more, it's not a natural amnesia, but an artificially induced one.

"Did... Did it really have such a big impact on him..?"

He became more bewildered as he never had any "oshi". To be exact, he doesn't remember having one. Who knows, he might be a fan in his past life...

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