Chapter 95: Another Farewell

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"W-wha?! You're leaving?!" Tomimi asked loudly, enough to take the attention of some Tiacuhs. While they surely are muscle-brained, they could still piece everything together after seeing her talk with Shiro.

"Shiro's leaving?!"

"What did you say?!"

"Did I hear that right?"

Seeing this, Shiro could only sigh. He said, "That's right. By tomorrow, I think?"

"I see..."

While she's cautious against him before, she found that he's nice when he lived here. It's only been a week since they arrived, but its undeniable that his popularity reached its peak in this village as well as Zumama's.

Even the Tiacuhs from other villages are interested to see him.

"Don't worry, I'll visit y'all."

"You said it." She said while staring at his blindfolded eyes. At first, she thought that something went wrong with his Arts. With some explanation that it's to restrict his power, her worries went away.

"Right, I've been meaning to ask you this."

"What is it?" She replied.

"Do you know about the originum vein and the underground city nearby?" Shiro asked as he recalled what he'd seen just when he returned.

Surprisingly, there's a huge underground city just near their village. This city has a huge resort and futuristic technology. That, and the people with small stature who lived in it.

"No? I mean, this place was supposedly explored by the Empire decades ago."

"It seems like someone pocketed that budget and didn't do it properly."

"An originum vein..."

This is exactly what was feared by most mobile cities. While they could mine for originum in those veins, no one knows just when it'll become unstable and explode, spreading oripathy everywhere. The only way to know when it'll do so is to see it personally a few months before they do so.

That's why many countries used Sarkaz as mining slaves due to their high originum resistance even as an infected.

Once found nearby the mobile city, they wouldn't hesitate to move miles away from it.

"It wouldn't pose a threat here, actually. Just its depth alone is enough for the land to prevent it from spreading here."

"So it's the underground city." Tomimi said as she realized his underlying intent.

"That's right."

Underground cities could only be built by a handful of Ancient Races. Tomimi, who received the High Priest's guidance, knew that it's most likely the Durins.

Durins are the dwarves' counterpart in this world. Their main specialty is in building... everything. From infrastructures to mechanical items, they are proficient in creating them. Also, Kal'tsit mentioned to him once that they possess advance technology that would make the surface world drool.

An example of that is the huge dome in their underground cities that perfectly replicates the skies of the surface world. There's also their subways that connects one underground cities to another.

"After I leave, you might be able to form connections with them. Though, I'll have to warn you about their tendencies to do public voting. It'll decided whether you'll succeed or not."

"...I understand." She paused for a while before she added, "Thank you, Shiro."

Tomimi tried her best to hide the blush on her face. As for it is caused by embarrassment or something else, no one except her knows.

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