Chapter 138: Mermaid Witch

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[Emergency Quest: Last Chance]

Details: Your student, Miki Sayaka, has turned into a Witch (fake Quasi-Demon). Her guilt hidden deeply within her had continuously bothered her until she couldn't take it anymore after 10 days. Her Level 5 Heart Demon had turned her into something more horrifying, and it's your duty as her mentor to bring her back.

Objective: Defeat Sayaka and halt her evolution in the next 30 minutes

Reward/s: 50,000,000 Soul Points, 1 Doppel Awakening Chance (Student), 3 Semi-Librarian Role [Librarian of the End] (Students), 5 Mastery Transfer (Student)

Shiro had only glanced at it before focusing on the scene in his sights.

The surroundings is very static, with it changing from the normal sights to something akin to a classical stage with red seats. Messed-up beings were playing as the orchestra. Some are playing the violin while there's also someone wearing a tuxedo whilst playing a grand piano.

Still, the only thing that didn't change is the dreary atmosphere that permeated the entire city. The same rainy weather hit Mitakihara Town. The ground shook, producing some small cracks in the road. The wind currents became stronger.

Simply put, it is a disaster in the making.

However, the most terrifying fact is the thousands of flying swords aimed straight at him.

[Fifth Gate]!

[Hell Flames Ignition]!

Without hesitation, he went to one of his strongest states. White flames appeared in a hundred meter radius away from him, burning the orchestra silhouettes that surrounded him. It also cleansed the evil presence in his area, removing the slight suppression that he felt from it.




Right now, Shiro felt as if he's facing the Miyuverse Shirou—just like how Angelica did during their final fight. If that wasn't enough, there are also shadows of cartwheels behind them.


All of a sudden, the swords and cartwheels had stopped, as if there's an invisible barrier blocking them. The truth is that... they are never destined to cross the infinite distance that separates them from Shiro.

Though, this costed Shiro 5,000 Mana. Thankfully, he has the [Energy Box (S)] that stored 700,000 Mana/Aura within it. Since it is stored there, he didn't need to absorb the mana from the surroundings, which will take him an entire 3 seconds for 7,500 mana.

As for this time? It took him 0.1 seconds to do so.

Casting a [Space Jump], he went right in front of Sayaka's Witch form that looked like a mermaid. She held the twin white and black daggers, the Kanshou and Byakuya. She managed to project it after 3 days of [Structural Analysis] and Shiro's guidance, which spoke volumes of her talents. Even if she takes more than 3 minutes to project them each time, it didn't lower her accomplishments.

Only Shirou Emiya is the one who can do it instantly as he has [Unlimited Blade Works] where he stores his swords into.

Shiro doesn't know why, but there's something in her that allowed her to do this. After all, projecting Noble Phantasms are supposedly something very difficult to do.

The Witch swung her blades in a cross slash, but it was stopped by [Infinity] once more.

As it happened, Shiro charged up his black blade with Aura and Mana, which is naturally twice the efficiency than before. He charged it up, refilled using the [Energy Box], and charged it up once more. He also refilled the [Energy Box] as this all happened, making him an inexhaustible source of energy right now.

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