Chapter 34: Getting Caught...

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After a good breakfast, Shiro went out for a breath of fresh air - not. Surtr is still in a coma while Kal'tsit is busy on her makeshift clinic, so Shiro decided to...

Yes, to test pilot the Gundam Exia. It's been days since he'd wanted to pilot it, but they're in midst of travelling. When they got off, they had to be alert with that guy pulling off some unexpected moves, so he really couldn't go far that much.


A very loud shout took his attention for a second. Seeing that it's Tomimi, he knew that she would like an explanation regarding what happened yesterday.

Thinking that she would ask him many things, he replied as he ran away immediately.

"I'll explain later! See ya!"


With his enhanced stats, he reached Zumama's village within 5 minutes. Going straight to her workshop, he immediately saw her welding some robot parts. Shiro only stayed in the entrance before he greeted an acquaintance.


"Ah, Mr. Shiro, good morning."

(A/N: This is not Japan, so formalities such as -san and -sama will not be used here.)

One of the female Tiacuh greeted him. She is Sera, one of Zumama's assistants. Whenever he came here to exchange knowledge, he always goes through her first.

"Do you need Zumama? I'll call-"

"No, that's not it. I only want to ask something."

"What is it? If it's Zumama's preferences..."

"No, it's not her preferences. I want to ask about an open space that is rarely visited by people."

To summon his Gundam out, he first has to do it in an open space. It also has to be relatively abandoned as there's a possibility that people would see him take out such a big thing in an instant.

Even though it'll not affect him much if some people knows about it, he wanted to do it peacefully. After all, a contract scroll is needed just to silence them.

"An open space? Hm... There's this place where Zumama used to play. It's not that far here, only around ten minutes of walking. There's also not that much people going there since it's a 'cursed' place."

"Cursed place?"

"An originum mine collapsed and claimed more than a hundred lives."


Knowing that such things exist on Fate World, Shiro became more expectant that they exist here. After all, it's the first time he'll see ghosts.

"It's alright."

"...Are you sure?"


After asking for directions, he swiftly left. Few minutes later, Zumama finished what she'd been doing. Sera also mentioned about what Shiro had asked her.

"An open area? Wait a minute... Is it that place?"

"Yes... I tried to prevent him from going but he said it is alright."

'The ghosts...' Zumama used to play in that place before, building her gadgets and then having fun using them. She stopped visiting that place, though. When she saw her gadgets shake and float by themselves, she ran back home, crying.

It was only until her parents told her that ghosts live there did she stop going.

"...I have to go there. The ghosts might-"

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