Chapter 161: Dumbfounded Magus of Flowers; Training, Start!

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In the reverse side of the world, there existed many mythological beings who have been alive until the modern era. One special place there is a garden. There, many faeries danced and played. No other forms of "corruption" of any vile beings are said to reach it, hence its paradise-like scenery.

In the center of it is a black tower that constantly floated. It only held a single purpose—to imprison a certain man. He is Artoria Pendragon's teacher, loyal advisor, and court magus. Alas, he offended a wrong girl, which ended up wrongly.

"Let's see... There's something wrong with the new 'presents' that I'm seeing. It should be that powerful foreigner outside our universe, hm?"

Suddenly, the man inside the tower felt something just as he was about to sit down on his desk, whereas his computer setup is present. This time, he raised his eyebrow as he sensed a "present" of another universe.

Originally, this shouldn't have happened, making him bewildered.

"How did it... Hum, I see."

Based on his [Clairvoyance—EX], he saw a pink-haired girl whose Reality Marble is strangely the same as his. This formed a connection to this place, Avalon.

What's even more strange is that the girl in his vision resembles one of the highest-level of existence that he personally knows. Her true essence is extremely similar to that of a fairy born in the Inner Sea of the World, almost turning into that universe's rules herself.

Though, what he saw next made him, the Magus of Flowers, dumbfounded.

"Is he... Is he planning to build a Magical Girl army?"

In the same universe, he saw Roman interacting with dozens of young girls, each of them being a "Magical Girl". It's good for the Chaldea's timeline if there's a strong group to help them, but it still made him dumbfounded.

"Is his decision to become human wrong? I can't see the Grand Caster in a similar way again."

As the one behind Magi*Mari, he knew about Roman's otaku tendencies. He thought that the latter would keep it to himself, but who would've expected that he's going for real this time!

In the end, the only thing that he could do is to become closer with him through Magi*Mari. For when the time comes the Grand Caster knows the truth, Merlin is sure to see a very interesting expression. In fact, he already saw his devastated expression once, but it'll be more different once he gets the chance to see it himself personally.

Moreover, he also wanted to meet that interesting foreigner whose appearance is on par, if not exceeds his...


As soon as Sayaka woke up from her sleep, she immediately noticed something wrong with her sleeping posture. She wore a pair of blue pajamas that Shiro took from his [Dimensional Storage (SSR)]one of the things that he prepared if this situation of theirs occur.

From what she's feeling, it looks like she's... hugging Shiro like a pillow.

With him being in a child-like state, his height doesn't exceed 145cm. That's even shorter than Madoka, which made him the perfect person to hug.

Fortunately, Shiro lost most of his sensory powers as a temporary handicapped or else she wouldn't have this chance.

Suddenly, she felt an amalgamation of 'threatening intent' directed at her. Looking at the source of it, she saw her "Senpai" smiling with one of her eyes open.

Still, this isn't enough to startle someone who have experienced a Witch transformation; for just like Mami, she has an [Unbroken Will] too. Sayaka appreciated Shiro's current appearance for a while before standing up from the bed.

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