Chapter 69: Teacher, Once Again

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The moment Nautilus regained his composure, Morte's playfulness disappeared as he took his opponent seriously.

'Tsk. From his stance, I can tell that he's definitely trained. He's not a normal player...'

Curious as to why the person in front of his became composed, he looked at the singer's direction, only to regret it the next second.

'H-he's... Shit, shit! Fuck!'

Morte started shivering subconsciously, making Nautilus extremely confused. Not only that, he started muttering something, too.

"T-that m-monster... Fuck, what is he doing here?!"


"I-I don't have time to deal with brats like you..!"

Agitated, he rushed straight at Nautilus, swinging his axe at his way. Being professionally trained, Nautilus didn't get intimidated and countered each of his strikes perfectly.

Dang-! Dang-!

Clang-! Clang-!

Sparks flew out as their metallic weapons crashed repeatedly. There are times when Morte used his small circular shield to block Nautilus' sword strikes.

Suddenly, Morte threw his one-handed axe straight at his face. Once Nautilus deflected it, Morte already changed to his second and true set of weapons, the one-handed sword.

Sword Art Online never restricted the use of weapons without their possessed weapon skills, but one cannot use sword skills in this case. Morte used this to catch his opponents off-guard once he wields his sword.

By creating this gap, he managed to trick many players and created a gap within their defense. These players only ended in one way, and that is death.


Nautilus managed to narrowly avoid the sword thrust, in turn giving him a chance to cut off Morte's right arm. He did so by cutting it downwards diagonally.

Swooosh-! Thud-!


His right arm that is still holding his one-handed sword fell to the ground. Even though he can't feel pain from this, the despair that's been eating his mind made him suffer far worse than feeling it.

"Surrender now. This is your last chance." Nautilus said to Morte with a fear-stricken face.

"F-fine! Just, get me out of this place, now!"

"No, that'll be for later. We only have a few corridor crystals."



The metallic cuffs made a clicking sound as it restrained both of his arms. Nautilus gave him an HP Potion to regenerate his lost arm back by removing his <<Body Part Loss>> status.

This made him more desperate, however. Just as he is about to persuade Nautilus once again, he saw the masked player coming towards their direction.

His fear became more evident when the masked player earlier approached Nautilus from behind.

"Hey, Eiji-kun."


A smooth and clear voice came out from him, forming a sharp contrast as to how he is being treated as a "monster" by Morte.

"Hm... You must be the guy, no?"

"N-no! I don't know what you're talking about!" Morte vehemently denied him with a tinge of calmness, but it's another thing when it comes to his mind.

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