Chapter 120: Loaded with Holy Intent

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In the 150 year's worth of memories, Shiro saw many things which changed the present him.

Before, he would've already killed this young girl in front of him without any hesitation due to her attempting to kill him. But now, he'll just let her go without doing so once he'd learned that everything's a misunderstanding.

Still, he's not the type to let go of any formerly hostile enemies of his. That's why he thought of the punishment that he could admonish to her...

Until he recalled one of Fenrir's memories.

Turns out, he has a daughter named "Mana"; the previous S-ranked grimoire that he got from before belonged to her. There's a single reason as to why he named her as such. In contrast to his self that symbolized death and destruction, "Mana" means "Life". Therefore, he wanted for his daughter of his to live a different life than him.

As for the punishment, he recalled Fenrir spanking her butt back when she did something mischievous as a child. Since Homura is considered as one, he decided on it.

[Space Constraint (9th-circle)]!

[Mental Destabilization (9th-circle)]!

[Mind Lock (9th-circle)]!

After casting three 9th-circle magic with more than 85% of his reserves, Shiro successfully stunned her. From the fight before, he realized that she has to "Send out" her thoughts whenever he feels the disarray in time; her shield also changed right after he sensed it. That's why he thought that if he prevented her from contacting that power, she won't be able to use her [Time Stop].

In fact, Homura is strong, to the point that her Physique reached thousands. If not for him using more than 60% of what he'd used for [Space Constraint], this will fail. Together with the latter two that restricted her mind, he restrained her perfectly.

Taking off his sunglasses, he said, "This is a punishment, jou-chan."


While she couldn't speak, her eyes went wide in surprise. Just as Homura is about to use her final trump card, the said punishment descended.


A slightly loud thunderclap resounded in the rooftop—a result of Shiro spanking her. There are no other intentions in his eyes, however, as what it revealed is similar to a parent punishing their child for doing something wrong.


Homura stared at his clear orange pupils with resentment, only to be surprised by his said intent. Since she endured pain worse than this, she only let out a faint whimper.

After ten or so "strikes", Shiro undid the restrictions placed upon her.

As expected, he felt the dissonance in time once more before he saw Homura in front of the rusty metal door. A tinge of red could be seen from her cheeks, showing her embarrassment from being "punished" in such a way. A couple of tear drops fell in the edge of her eyes whilst staring at him with anger and indignation.

Still, she knew that she's the one in the wrong this time, thus she chose to leave silently.

"At least she matured well enough..." He murmured.

Judging from her soul's age, which is 25, 12 years older than her physical self, it left him with two possibilities: Either she's older than she looks or she somehow... regressed back in time.


[Investigation—Akemi Homura: 28/50]

When Shiro arrived at this train of thought, the Investigation's progress went up once more. Though, it became more evident that it's harder to make it rise unless it aimed at the core of the problem.

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