Walls come tumbling down - Part 2 - Tywin x Reader

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A second part to this imagine for Steph12343246. I hope you all enjoy. And have a very happy, joyous, prosperous, and safe New Year.

Joffrey was irate at his grandfather's actions. This was supposed to be the celebration for his union to Margaery, but everything had been taken over by Tywin for his marriage to Margaery older sister (Y/n).

"How dare he do this." Joffrey growled as he paced in front of the Iron Throne. Cersei watching on as her oldest son ranted and raved.

"(Y/n) should be marrying me, not grandfather. She was the one I wanted. I am the king, should I not have what I want?" Joffrey asked, as he stopped and turned to face his mother.

"Why would (Y/n) want that old man and not me? I should have her killed for refusing me." Joffrey continued, dropping himself unceremoniously into the throne. His fingers drumming impatiently on the arm.

Cersei couldn't pretend that she was happy about the situation either. She didn't like the idea that her father was marrying a woman that was young enough to be his grandchild, nor that the woman he was marrying was the one that should really be marrying Joffrey. But what could she say? Tywin was her father, and if her father wanted to take over the celebrations that should have been for her son and his new bride, there was nothing she could really do.

Cersei knew that (Y/n) was no fool. That the oldest Tyrell grandchild was well aware that the true power of the throne did not lay in Joffrey's hands. But she also had to reluctantly admit that from what she had seen, (Y/n) actually made her father happy, and if Joffrey was allowed to touch a single silken hair on (Y/n)'s head, then things would not end well.

"Let your grandfather have (Y/n), my sweet. Margaery will make you an excellent wife. She is pretty enough, intelligent enough, and she will give you heirs........." Cersei began, only stopping as Joffrey banged his fist on the arm of the throne.

"I do not want, "enough". I am King of the Iron Throne. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Protector of the Realm, and I deserve it all. I deserve perfection. And (Y/n) is perfection." Joffrey growled petulantly, as he glared down at his mother. Cersei knowing that one way or another, she was going to have to persuade Joffrey that (Y/n) was a less suitable choice. Realising that under no circumstances would Tywin give up his bride to a boy that had once accused him of being a coward.


"You look beautiful, (Y/n). Obviously older men agree with you." Loras chuckled as he came up behind his sister. Kissing her softly on the cheek as she combed through her long hair. Her eyes fixed on the mirror in front of her.

Loras had originally journeyed to Kings Landing to present Margaery to Joffrey, but now he found that his first job would be to present his oldest sister to the head of House Lannister. The Knight of the Flowers was not surprised that the old lion had fallen for (Y/n)'s charms. Even in his eyes, his sister was the embodiment of everything that a man could want. Strong, intelligent, beautiful and kind. And what she wanted, she made sure that she got.

"What's he like?" Loras asked slyly, as he poured himself a glass of wine and took a seat near his sister.

"What is who like, brother?" (Y/n) replied innocently, despite knowing full well to what, and whom, her brother was referring.

Loras had never concealed his relationship with Renly, or any of his other dalliances from (Y/n). She had always been his confidant, the one with whom he could talk about anything, and the pair would spend many a night laughing about the handsome guards around Highgarden, or the visitors that would come to see their grandmother. And now it was Loras' turn to try and get his sister to confess all.

"Oh please, (Y/n). Now is not the time to start acting all coy and innocent. You know exactly what I am talking about. And if those noises that seem to emanate from your rooms are any indication, I think that I might already know the answer to my question." Loras laughed, as (Y/n) turned her attention from her own reflection, to that of her brother.

"Loras. Are you trying to suggest that I would bring our family name into disrepute by undertaking such things before my wedding night?" (Y/n) asked, doing her best not to smile as her brother rolled his eyes.

"(Y/n). You have never had any qualms about taking what you have wanted before. And I can't imagine that you would have started to be concerned about what other people thought, either. Also, I doubt that Tywin Lannister would turn down the chance of bedding you if he were presented with the opportunity. Now, come sister. Tell me everything." Loras insisted, as (Y/n) turned around, a subtle smile on her face as she leaned forward and spoke softly.

"Well, Tywin Lannister may be more advanced in years, but I can assure you that the old lion still knows how to roar. And is more than capable of making a lady purr." (Y/n) chuckled as she rose to her feet and walked away. Loras joining quickly behind her, as he pushed for further revelations.


Tywin stood in the Great Sept of Baelor, looking out into the assembled nobles as he, and they, waited for (Y/n) to appear. The old lion still struggling to believe that a day such as this would ever happen again. Marrying Joanna had been the happiest day of his life. Losing her, the worst. And Tywin thought that he would never meet another woman that could instil in him, that which he had felt with Joanna. But (Y/n) had proved him wrong. She was a shaft of sunlight in an otherwise dark, and gloomy day. A single perfect blooming blossom in the depths of winter. And from the first moment he had laid eyes on her, he knew that despite the walls he had built up around his heart, that eventually he would surrender and fall to his knees.

The old lion couldn't help but smile to himself as he saw the face of Joffrey. The infuriating child still fuming that his day had been usurped. But Tywin cared not for his grandson's feeling, for the fact that he was king, or that he had done his best to stop the match and failed. For Tywin knew that no matter what, (Y/n) would always be his. And though he may not be king of the Iron Thone, he knew that he would always be a king in (Y/n)'s heart. And she queen of his.

Tywin turned as a sudden hush fell over the assembly. His eyes growing wide as (Y/n) and Loras slowly appearing as the great doors opened. She was more perfect than he could have ever imagined. More exquisite than anything he had ever seen. And as she and her brother slowly made their way towards him. Soon to promise that she would be his until the end of her days. Tywin knew without a shadow of a doubt, that his great fortifications were nothing more than grains of sand on a beach. And (Y/n) was the one holding back the tide.

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