Queen of the north - Robb x Reader

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Warning: Incest

The sound of thunder ripped through the bed chamber startling her from her sleep; the blinding flash of lightning causing her to push herself deeper into the mattress and pull the covers over her head. She didn't hear the pitter patter of his feet, so she squealed when she felt the bed dip by her side and an arm bring her to him. She sniffed loudly trying to control her tears, rubbing her eyes she finally looked up to find the face of her older brother which was filled with as much fear as hers. She held onto him tight, nuzzling her face into his neck.

"Robb, where were you? You weren't here." She sniffed and pushed her head into his chest and wrapped her legs around his so that he could not leave her again, as Robb reached up his hand and combed his fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I couldn't sleep; I ran back to you as soon as the thunder began."

"Do you think the gods hate us Robb?" She asked as another clap of thunder rang through the palace causing Robb to grip on to his sister tighter.

"The gods could never hate us (Y/n), one day I will be King of the north, and you will be my Queen." The innocent boy told her.

"But why then do they send their wrath when they must know that it scares us so?" The terrified young girl asked her brother, who gently rubbed her back, trying to allay his fears just as much as hers.

"I think they must be angry at father for trying to keep us apart (Y/n); they know that one day we will rule together, no matter how much father tries to separate us." Robb told her, trying to give her a reassuring smile.

"I love you Robb." The little girl whispered, as the lights in the heavens gradually subsided, and she slowly drifted off to sleep listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you too my Queen." Robb replied, as he too slipped into the arms of Somnia.


Their father had grown concerned by the relationship between (Y/n) and Robb over the years, knowing the two young siblings would spend the nights together in (Y/n)'s bed, being found every morning by the servants, entwined happily in each other's arms.

Despite protests from the young pair, and despite objections from Catelyn and his own heart, Ned had sent (Y/n) away to journey the Seven Kingdoms to be raised and educated by a series of royal families each instilling in her their own beliefs, desires and knowledge. She had grown up strong, brave, beautiful and intelligent, drawing countless admirers wherever she went; but despite the many offers of marriage the young woman had had, she wanted only one thing, to return to Winterfell and to see her Robb.

(Y/n) had received news of her father's death while he was in Kings landing, and despite her want to see her sisters again, she was immediately recalled to Winterfell by the new King, the idea filling the young woman with a happiness she hadn't felt since her departure from the great castle so many years before.

After many days of travel, (Y/n) finally found herself outside the walls that encircled the awe inspiring building, a sight that she had not seen in so long; surrounded by her large entourage of bodyguards and ladies' maids, the group a strange mix of every creed and colour that the Seven Kingdoms had to offer, (Y/n) couldn't help but smile at the sight of the perfect white snow that covered the land of her fathers.

The group came to a halt as a patrol from behind the walls rode out, causing the guards to form around their mistress.

"All is well Argo, Krakhan." (Y/n) said, as she rode over to the large Dothraki and Mountain man that commanded her guard.

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