Silent Night - Robb x Reader

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This is a request for ImagineWriters_777. I hope that you all enjoy 🐺😈

Winterfell was quiet. A perfect silent night. Outside the snow was thick, an unexpected storm the night before surrounding the great castle in an almost impenetrable wall of snow. Most of the Starks were away from their ancestral home, Theon goodness knows where, but more than likely in the warm bed of the latest girl that he had charmed, leaving only two living souls in Winterfell to enjoy their much needed time alone.

A giggle cut through the silence. A face peering out from behind a large column as she waited for her husband to find her. (Y/n) and Robb had not been married long, their marriage was one of love not duty, and although Ned and Catelyn hadn't been too sure about their new daughter to begin with, once it was obvious how much their oldest son, as well as all their other children, loved the new member of the family, they knew that Robb had made the right choice.

(Y/n) was the oldest daughter of an ancient, noble, yet smaller House, from an area just further south than Winterfell, the two heirs meeting when Ned had organised a gathering of all the houses of the north, (Y/n)'s father taking her with him so that his old friend Ned could meet his only child.

From the moment Robb had seen her, he had been smitten, and he and (Y/n) had spent every moment they could together, the heir of Winterfell ignoring the jokes of Jon and Theon, jokes that he put down to jealousy on their behalf. For (Y/n) was the fairest creature that Robb had ever set eyes on. To him, she was perfect, her long pale brown hair kissing her cheeks and neck as the cool wind of the north whipped around Winterfell. Her bright blue, almost purple eyes, glittering like sapphire whenever she looked at him. But it wasn't just her appearance that captivated the young wolf. (Y/n) had a mind like none that he had ever found in another woman, it was as if she held all the knowledge of the world in her hands, and she could draw on it instantly if asked any question. An ability that had impressed all the lords that had been present at the gathering.

Before (Y/n) and her father could leave and return home, Robb had whisked her off, paying a Septon to marry them so that he would never have to lose her.

"I'll find you!" Robb called out, chuckling to himself as he heard (Y/n) giggle again.

The night before they had done nothing but make love under the furs of their bed. Their sweat drenched bodies becoming one over and over as the sounds of skin against skin, and moans of pleasure filled the room. Now though, now it was as if they were children again, Robb searching the corridors for the woman that had escaped their bed dressed in nothing more than a thin shift.

Gone was duty, gone was the pressure of acting like the heirs of houses, gone had being grownups. Now they were enjoying just being together, lost in each other as the rest of Winterfell lay dormant, waiting for the rest of the family to return, so that it could come back to life.

"Come out, minx!" Robb called out again, looking around as he heard another giggle. The sound of his beautiful wife's laughter filling all his senses with happiness as he thought about finding her and carrying her back to bed so that they could make love while being serenaded by the crackle of the burning logs on the fire.

"Robb. You're a wolf, surely you can hunt me down." (Y/n) replied, trying not to laugh to loudly as she caught a glimpse of her husband looking under the table.

"(Y/n). I'm cold, and our bed is warm." Robb said, pouting slightly as he sat on the table, wondering where his bride could be hiding.

"Find me, and you can take me back to bed. And wolves don't pout, Robb Stark. Wolves hunt down their prey, and when they find them, they carry them off in their strong arms so that they can fill their prey's bellies with heirs." (Y/n) called out, letting out a loud laugh as Robb suddenly sprung to his feet. A new sense of desire filling him, as he thought about (Y/n) carrying his child. A low growl leaving his throat as he caught a quick glimpse of (Y/n) perfect white shift.

"Is that right? So, if I find you, I can carry you off to my lair and give you cubs?" Robb asked, chuckling to himself as he again saw a movement of (Y/n)'s shift.

"But only if you find me, you big bad wolf." (Y/n) called out, squealing in surprise as Robb sneaked up behind her, grabbing her quickly, and pulling her tightly against him so that she couldn't escape.

"Robb." (Y/n) giggled, as she snuggled into her husband's chest, the warmth of his bare flesh against her cheek making her sigh happily.

"I love you." Robb said quietly, as he kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head. His arms pulling her as close as possible as the two continued to embrace.

"I love my family, but I wish that we could stay like this forever, just you and I, here like this. I wish that it would never stop snowing, that Winterfell could just be ours, and that we never had to leave. That the world would just vanish." Robb sighed, knowing that as soon as the family could get through the snow, that once again duty and responsibility would ruin this perfect moment.

"I know Robb, and so do I. Sometimes I wish that we were just simple smallfolk, that we weren't heirs of noble Houses, and that it could just be you and I; but we aren't smallfolk, and soon the halls will once again be filled with the sounds of the family, and servants. So, why don't you and I go and enjoy what little time we do have to be together like this." (Y/n) told Robb. (Y/n) squealing in delight as Robb picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, making his way as quickly as possible back to their room. Determined that he wasn't going to waste even one second.


Robb and (Y/n) lay on their backs, panting for air as their bodies trembled with ecstasy. Robb throwing the furs from the bed and onto the floor as he tried to cool his sweat drenched body.

"How many children will we have, (Y/n)?" Robb asked, as he lay his head on (Y/n)'s chest. The sound of her rapid heartbeat making him smile.

"I want twin boys to begin with. One who will be like you and other more like Jon. Then we will have a girl who will be as rambunctious as Arya, followed by another boy who will always be getting in trouble, just like Theon." (Y/n) chuckled, Robb raising his head so that he could look into his wife's beautiful eyes.

"It sounds like you have it all planned out, my love. Although why you would want a son like Theon, I don't know." Robb replied, as he combed his fingers through (Y/n)'s damp hair.

"I just think that it would be fun to have someone that could annoy Theon as much as he annoys all of us. And who better than a little version of him." (Y/n) said, thinking about how utterly insufferable the young Kraken could be, even though he did make her laugh.

"(Y/N). ROBB!" A familiar voice called out. (Y/n) and Robb rolling their eyes at the sound of Theon's voice rang through the corridors.

"Are you sure that you want a child like Theon? He always has a tendency of turning up at the worst times." Robb groaned, as he reluctantly climbed out of bed, and pulled on his breeches.

"Well.........." (Y/n) mussed, trying to suppress the broad smile that was pulling at the corners of her lips.

"We will just have to see what this one comes out like when they are born in a few months' time." (Y/n) announced, Robb spinning around and looking down on (Y/n) in disbelief.

"You mean you're with child?" Robb asked excitedly, jumping onto the bed and placing his hand on (Y/n)'s bare stomach.

"Maestre Luwin says that I am. That I should start showing soon." (Y/n) replied, tears of joy rolling down her cheeks as Robb placed his head over where his child was growing inside her.

"Hello little one, I'm your father. You have the best mother that anyone could hope for. Grandparents, aunts and uncles that will love you. And I promise that I will never let anything, or anyone harm you. I can't wait to see you." Robb cooed softly, (Y/n) chuckling to herself as he caressed the soon to be bump.

"If Theon is here, perhaps the rest of the family won't be too far behind. Duty calls, my love. And I think that we should go and give everyone the good news." (Y/n) said, as Robb helped her from the bed, and wrapped her gown around her.

"Yes. But hopefully we will have another silent night before the little one makes their appearance." Robb chuckled, holding (Y/n) tight as the two made their way to see who was home. 

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