The Oracle - Part 2 - Varys x Reader

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I've been wanting to do more parts to this imagine for a while. I liked the idea and thought that I could take it a little further, so I hope you enjoy. And I hope that you will wait for the next part where the Oracle finds a friendship that will slightly less platonic. 😄

Joffrey glared at the blind creature that was huddled and shivering on the floor before the Iron Throne. He had to admit that he had never seen a young woman that was quite so breathtaking, yet the pure snow like whiteness of her eyes made him shudder.

To him, abominations such as this woman and his uncle should not be allowed to live; but even he, no matter how great he believed himself to be, would not dare kill the Oracle of the old gods, although the coward was not averse to giving the job to someone whose morals were even more flexible than his, if or when the time came.

"Please........please." (Y/n) beseeched, as she felt a large hand grip firmly onto her arm and drag her violently to her feet, a hollow laugh ringing out as the hand that had been gripping her moved to hit her across the face, the sudden contact sending (Y/n) flying back to the ground.

(Y/n) had no idea where she was. No idea why this was happening. The last thing that she could remember were the shouts of men as she found herself grabbed by a pair of rough, strong arms, the guttural, blood curdling screams of the three old women, chilling her to the bone. She had tried to struggle, to kick, to claw her way out of the grasp of the monster that held her tight; but her world had gone black when something hard had hit the side of her head. When she awoke, she had no idea where she was, or why she was even there. All she had heard since she had opened her eyes, were the sounds of angry voices and mocking laughter, and she had never felt more alone or scared in her entire life.

"I want it known that this is what happens to all those that dare deny their king." Joffrey called out angrily, as Meryn roughly pulled (Y/n) to her feet once again.

"No one tells me no!" Joffrey exclaimed, as he stood from his throne, addressing the crowd that filled the throne room.

Everyone present had heard what had happened by now, heard what the wicked child had dare do, and all feared what his actions could mean.

Joffrey had been informed about the mortal vessel of the old gods that his Master of Whispers would consult. He had been informed that Varys was the only man permitted to have a private meeting with the seer; but Joffrey determined that whatever any other man could do, he should be allowed greater; yet despite his roars and anger, the three old crones had barred his way to the entrance of the grotto, refusing to let him see their ward without one of them being present, that it did not matter to them that he was king. But it was their demand for gold that had pushed the petulant child over the edge, the crazed young man ordering his men to destroy the grotto, kill the old women, and drag the great Oracle back to Kings Landing.


Varys made his way through the corridors, almost running as he got closer to the throne room. He knew that Joffrey was capable of almost anything; but this, this was beyond anything Varys could have contemplated.

He could only imagine how scared (Y/n) must be. She had not stepped foot outside the grotto since the three old women had taken her from her parents. She knew barely anything of the world outside apart from small things that he and others may have told her, and Varys also knew that (Y/n) would have no idea why she was being treated as she was. All he could do now was hope that he could save his old friend before anything else happened to her.


(Y/n) knelt on the floor, her hands covering her ears as she tried to drown out the loud voices that surrounded her, a small voice in the back of her mind telling her that a spider, a small lion with a marked muzzle, a guard dog, and large scarred hound would be all that she could depend on now.

"Sire." A familiar voice called out, as the sound of the large doors to the room flying open brought (Y/n) back to that moment.

"VARYS. PLEASE HELP!" (Y/n) cried, reaching out her hand blindly as she hoped that her old friend was really coming to her aide.

"Varys. Where am I? I don't know what's going on. I just want to go home." (Y/n) whispered, as Varys took the shaking woman into his arms, her hands gripping onto his robe tightly.

"You no longer have a home. Leave this to me." Varys replied quietly before turning his attention back to Joffrey.

"Sire. Why is it that the Oracle is here? Why did you not leave her in her home?" Varys asked as calmly as he could. He was not a man known for his emotions, but seeing (Y/n) like this, knowing that the grotto had been destroyed and the old women killed, was even angering him.

"She is here, Lord Varys, because I want her here. She will serve me, and only me from this moment on. And I think that you will find that she no longer has a home, or her treacherous guardians to deny me." Joffrey scoffed, angered that the Master of Whispers seemed to be daring to challenge what he had done.

"It is more than generous of you to give the Oracle a new home, your majesty. And I can appreciate why you would wish to have the advice of the Oracle all to yourself; but may I suggest that I be allowed to take (Y/n) to a room. As one that knows her well, I believe that she will serve you better is she is watched over by me and treated with the respect that she deserves." Varys said, trying to be as pleasant and sycophantic as possible.

"She deserves what I say she deserves." Joffrey began, stopping as he seemed to think for a moment.

"But you are right, Varys. She will serve me better if she is under your care. Very well. Take her away, but make sure that she is ready for whenever I require her services." Joffrey continued, waving his hands dismissively, as Varys slowly guided (Y/n) out of the throne room.

"Varys. Please tell me what is happening." (Y/n) begged to know, as Varys led her along the corridors. His arm wrapped firmly around her as he tried to think of the best thing to do.

"All you need know is that the grotto and old women are gone, that you are in the Red Keep in Kings Landing, and that I will watch over you as best I can. But I will have to find someone who can protect you better than I can until I can find a way of getting you out of here." Varys tried to reassure, suddenly stopping in his tracks as the grinning form of Baelish came into view.

"Well, well, well. This is something I though that I would never see, you with your arms around a woman. The next thing I know, I will find you haunting the dark corners of the Street of Silk." Baelish chuckled, as he looked the young woman up and down.

Before Varys could reply, he felt (Y/n)'s grip on him tighten as she began to shake. Varys knew something was happening, something new, something that only the gods had control over. And as (Y/n)'s eyes began to glow, he could do nothing, but watch what was to unfold.

Suddenly (Y/n) turned, her glowing white eyes trained on the Master of Coin as if she could see him as clear as day. Slowly she walked towards Baelish, stopping as she came to stand toe to toe with the confused, and slightly shocked man.

"Mockingbird, mockingbird. Wicked little thing. Beware the claws of she wolves, for they will do you in." (Y/n) told Baelish, her voice now deep and dark, her fingers brushing over his cheek as she spoke.

"Your heart as black as a moonless night. Your soul already lost. A silver fish will seal your fate and lead you to your loss." (Y/n) finished, before stumbling back, Varys catching her before she could fall to the floor.

Baelish gulped as he looked between the now seemingly once again normal young woman and his adversary. Varys doing his best not to let a small smile come to his lips as Baelish seemed to shake a little.

"You should watch your witch, Lord Varys. She will find that Kings Landing can be a very unsafe place if no one is watching over her." Baelish hissed, his threat not going unnoticed by Varys, as the angry man pushed past the pair.

"Varys. What happened?" (Y/n) asked, obviously oblivious to what had just occurred.

"Nothing for you to worry about." Varys tried to assure, despite the fact that he knew that (Y/n) would need someone that could watch over her more than ever.

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