Give me a Hand- Modern AU - Jaime x Reader

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Jaime Lannister didn't have a lot to look forward to these days. Since he lost his hand in the line of duty, serving his country, his world had been thrown upside down. He had been in the army for what felt like his whole life, and after the incident, no longer able to perform his duties, he was given an honourable discharge, an army pension, and sent on his way.

Now he found himself on civvie street, completely lost; unable to find work, he spent most of his day either in his small apartment, the store down the street, or just aimlessly walking around the city, avoiding the sympathetic looks of those that saw his disability.

He had grown tired of curious people asking him how he lost his hand; in the beginning he had told them the truth, but after a while he had started to make up fanciful stories for his own amusement, just to see the people's reactions.

He would tell them that it was bitten off by a shark while he was on a trip in Australia, or that he had got it trapped, and had to cut it off with a blunt pocketknife. The look in the people's eyes as they believed every word he said, was the highlight of his day.

But today Jaime did have something to look forward to, and as he waited for the bus that would take him to the veteran's hospital, he nervously played with the small book in his pocket. Being nervous was not something he knew well, he had been in battles and any number of skirmishes, hell he'd even been stuck behind enemy lines and he had never felt the way he felt when he knew he was going to see her.

Doctor (y/f/n) (y/l/n) had once been a high ranking surgeon in the army, dealing with some of the worst injuries war had to offer, but as she had seen more and more good soldiers lose limbs to IEDs, she had trained as a prosthetist and learnt to design, fit and monitor prosthetic limbs for members of the armed forces; and today Jaime was going for the final fitting of his new hand.

He had been seeing (Y/n) for months as she measured and designed his new appendage, and as the months had gone by, the two had grown close as friends; but as today would be their last real meeting, Jaime was determined to ask the beautiful doctor out.

The journey to the hospital seemed to take forever as he went over and over what he was going to say to her. In the past he had never had a problem with the fairer sex, but once he lost his hand, his confidence had taken a hit; but (Y/n) was army, and she understood what he had been through and experienced, and for once his old cockiness was back.

As he waited in her office, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Well how is my favourite soldier today?" (Y/n) asked, as she sat down at her desk.

"I'm good thanks doc, better now I've seen you." He chuckled as she started removing the old bandage from the end of his arm.

"Looks like someone is in a good mood." She said as she examined the scar tissue on his stump.

"Of course I'm in a good mood, I get a new hand designed by the most beautiful doctor in the world. What's not to be in a good mood about?"

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at the newfound cockiness of the ex-soldier. When he had first come to her, he was no longer the man that she had heard about. Captain Jaime Lannister was known as a confident, cocky, self-assured officer, that was good at his job, and led his men from the front, always the first into any skirmish. His men respected him and were loyal to his command; but the shell that she had seen was not that man, that was until today, and she had to admit that she quite liked this new side of him.

"Ok, I want you to close your eyes, I have a surprise for you." (Y/n) said as she walked over to a large locked cabinet.

"Doctor please, at least wait until you are off duty before you proposition your patients." Jaime said with a smirk.

"Oh, in your dreams Lannister, now close your eyes. Doctor's orders."

Jaime reluctantly closed his eyes as he heard her move things around, before he felt her sit down next to him.

"Ok, open."

Jaime opened his eyes to see a beaming (Y/n), holding in her hands a futuristic looking hand and arm prosthetic.

"Now I know it's a bit different to what we discussed, but you inspired me, so hear me out. This is a myoelectric arm, it uses these electrodes to sense when the muscles in the upper arm move, causing the hand to open and close. The basic skeleton is made of carbon fibre, but I'm working on a glove to actually make it look more natural. So? What do you think?" (Y/n) said hopefully as she looked at him.

Jaime couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. He had to admit that it looked a little to hi-tech for his liking, but a hand is a hand. As he nodded in agreement, (Y/n) started to fit the limb; he could see the happiness in her face as her design fit over his limb perfectly, attaching the electrodes to the upper part of his arm. With a few final flourishes she sat back admiring her handy work.

"Ok, take it for a spin."

Jaime looked down at the new hand, willing the fingers to move; as he flexed the muscles in his arm, his eyes widened as the fingers moved. His head shot up as he heard a round of applause.

"Good job soldier. You'll get used to it; it will just take some practice. Before you know it, it will be like you never lost the hand."

As she moved away picking up some paperwork, Jaime knew this could be his last chance.

"Hey doc, since you've given me something, I have a little something for you." Jaime said as he pulled the little book out of his pocket and handed it to her.

"Shakespeare's Sonnets? You were actually listening to me when I was rambling on about literature and books? I thought I was boring the life out of you." She chuckled, as she flipped through the pages.

"Thank you, Jaime, it's wonderful."

"Er...... I was also wondering if you would like to go out with me on a date kinda thing, like for dinner? I know I'm not the man I was, and I don't have too much to offer at the moment, but I like you and................"

Before he could carry on with his ramble, he felt her warm finger against his lips.

"Jaime Lannister, I would love to go out with you. In fact, I've been waiting for you to ask for months." (Y/n) said with a smile before kissing his lips softly.

"8pm tonight, I'll meet you out the front of the hospital. Dress casual, cos we are gonna drink beer and play pool at the local Irish bar." (Y/n) said pulling him up from the chair.

"Oh and, the first drink is on you Lannister. That thing on your arm took me hours to design, and I expect to be suitably recompensed for my efforts." She said with a seductive smile.

"Now that sounds like the best deal, I ever made Doc. Now give me a hand and show me how to use this so I can beat your ass at pool." Jaime said, taking her hand and leading her out of her office.

"You are on Lannister, you are so on."

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