Last of her kind - Tormund x Reader

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(Y/n) never held out much hope of ever finding her soulmate; as a shapeshifter, she was the last of her kind, the rest of her people slaughtered by those that feared them and their powers, still others had died in the many battles they had fought in over the years.

Shapeshifters had always been viewed as some of the greatest, deadliest, and most powerful warriors in the land, and any army was glad to have them on their side; but now after generations, all that remained of the once great peoples, was one of their finest warriors.

(Y/n) was unusual even amongst her own people, her brethren could transform into bears, wolves, lions, and even fierce reptiles; but (Y/n) was the only great striped cat that had ever been born, she was the strongest female warrior her people ever had, highly skilled, fiercely loyal, and stronger even than many of the men.

She had hidden herself away for many years, lamenting the loss of not only her friends and family; but also that of her people, struggling against her need to fight, battling against the desire of her heart to find a man that she knew could no longer exist. She had looked at the strange soul mark on her wrist on many a long lonely night, her mark was different to anything else she had seen, it didn't look like any of the others of her people, but that didn't mean that she ever thought that her true love could possibly come from outside her own kind. Even when she knew that she was the only one, when she knew that the man that was destined to be hers was dead, her mark had never faded or disappeared, it just stayed, seeming to torment the lonely woman.

(Y/n) had taken to living a simple life deep in the forest, a far cry from the great palace and city in which she once used to reside; she didn't deal with others, preferring to keep herself to herself, so that no one discovered what, or who she was, although there were of course rumours about the strange woman that lived on her own in the woods.

No one usually came so deep into the forest, so the arrival of three men at her small home, sent her climbing up into the nearest tree, settling down so that she could watch from a distance.

"Are ya sure that this is where she's supposed to be?" The large man asked, glancing over to the other two.

(Y/n) could see that the side of his face was terribly scared, and she could tell that from his size and demeanour, that he was a well skilled swordsman. The other two were different; the small one was dark, dressed completely in black, and to (Y/n)'s eyes, very pretty; but it was the other large man that caught her attention. His beard was the same colour as her fur when she became the beast, and unlike the other two, there seemed to be a hint of mischief in his looks, that made her want to smile.

"Well that's what tha rumours say, but tha old ones could be wrong." The red man told the other two, as (Y/n) watched the smaller man look around the trees.

"It's obvious that someone lives here, and if its her, I want her." He said, the three men drawing their swords.

To (Y/n), the man's words had been a threat, and last of her kind or not, she would not die without a fight.

The three men looked up in horror as a giant striped cat, standing erect on two long legs, jumped down from the trees, roaring so loud that they could swear that they could feel their organs shake inside them.

"IF YOU WANT ME LITTLE MAN, THEN COME AND TAKE ME; BUT I WILL RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB BEFORE YOU HAVE CHANCE TO RAISE A SWORD AGAINST ME!" (Y/n) growled, her bright white needle like teeth, glinting in the sunlight, her sharp claws ripping at the air between her and the man.

Within seconds (Y/n) and the men were engaged in battle, metal against metal, claws against flesh, as the four fought on, each man desperately trying to defend themselves against the shapeshifter's wrath.

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