The Guardian - Dream Team x Reader

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I had to do another imagine for the Dream Team, because who wouldn't want to be with those guys in the frozen north 😍

The day had been more bitterly cold than any other that the men had experienced while they had journeyed north beyond the Wall, they had given up long ago trying to find some decent shelter, so when they saw what looked like a large tumbled down temple they were all surprised.

As the night was beginning to draw in, it was decided that it would be best to investigate, and hopefully find some refuge from the snowstorm that was threatening to roll in.

"What do ya suppose it is?" Beric asked, looking over at Thoros.

"I'm not sure, I have never seen anything like it before." Thoros told his friend, as the group continued to make their way over to the vast ancient ruin.

"I thought ya were a priest." Sandor growled from behind the pair, Thoros turning around to look at the large man, whose temper seemed to have taken a sudden decline as the freezing cold winds ate at his bones.

"I am a priest, but that does not mean that I know every temple that was ever built or religion there may have possibly been this far north." Thoros told Sandor, Beric chuckling quietly at his old friend.

"It doesn't matter what it is, or what possible god it was erected to; all I know is that it looks like shelter, and that's what we need." Jon said, quieting the possible verbal battle that could begin between the two.

As the men got closer they realised that the building was much bigger than they first thought; even though much was tumbled down, the great stones strewn far and wide, most of the main structure was still quite intact, with a high roof covering the majority of what still stood. As the others searched around, trying to find something, anything to help them start a fire, Thoros began to study the old runes that had been beautifully incised into the stones.

His eyes widening as he began to decipher the ancient text; reaching for a book in his bag to write down his translation, finding it difficult to believe what he was reading.

"You found something interesting?" Beric asked from behind Thoros, confused when the priest didn't answer.

Tormund came up behind the pair, looking over their shoulders at the intricate carvings.

"There old, never seen runes like em before." He said, looking over at Beric, who was still waiting for Thoros to answer him.

"Quick, look for a staircase, one that goes down into the catacombs." Thoros told the others, grabbing a burning stick from the fire, and making his way into the darkness.

"What is he talking about?" Jorah asked, staring at Beric who simply shrugged.

"He must have found something in the writings, seems to have got him excited; I think we should do as he says." Beric told the others, grabbing a firebrand and following his friend into the dark reaches of the temple.

As the men searched the shadowy recesses of the sanctuary, Thoros mumbled wildly to himself.

"It's not possible, it's not possible! Not after all these centuries, they couldn't still exist. But if there is even one left, just one, we must find them."

"Is this what you are looking for?" A voice called out, Thoros and the others racing off in the direction of the voice.

The other's stopped as they saw Thoros and Gendry kneeling over a locked metal gate that covered a descending staircase.

"We need to go down into the catacombs, if my readings are correct, they will be down there." Thoros babbled, trying to prise open the ancient lock.

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