Just don't sing - Bronn x Reader

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I know I have a habit of making Bronn the sweetest thing, but I can't help myself, so I hope you will indulge me. Enjoy ⚔🛡😊

"Would you please stop for five minutes!" (Y/n) called out to Bronn, as she, the sellsword, and Tyrion made their way back to Kings Landing.

Bronn had been singing and making up idiotic songs for what seemed like hours, and (Y/n) had finally had enough.

"You are insufferable, you know that don't you?" She asked, as Bronn continued to sing, smiling broadly as he looked at the female by his side.

"Why thank you." Bronn said smugly, feeling happy that (Y/n) was starting to glow a shade of murderous red.

"It wasn't meant as a compliment you idiot." (Y/n) growled, as she tried her best to stay calm.

"I know, but I shall take it as one just to annoy you." The older sellsword chuckled, trying to stay just out of swing distance of her blade.

"Will you two please shut up; it's like listening to a pair of bickering children." An exacerbated Tyrion groaned, tired of the squabbling duo.

"I'm not a child, he is!" (Y/n) protested, glaring at the even smugger looking Bronn.

"No, you are." Bronn chuckled, stopping only when Tyrion turned around to stare at him.

"STOP!" Tyrion commanded, glaring between the two, before he rode off in front to get away from the pairs verbal stoush.

Verbal battles between (Y/n) and Bronn were nothing new, but recently it had been getting worse. Tyrion knew of (Y/n)'s secret crush on his friend thanks to a rather heavy drinking session the three had had in a tavern one night. When Bronn had finally passed out face first onto the table in front of him, (Y/n) had let it slip that she had feelings for him, a secret that Tyrion had been happy to keep for his old friend; but after she had seen Bronn kissing some pretty young woman, Tyrion had noticed an unnerving change in her demeanour, it wasn't that (Y/n) didn't know about Bronn's dubious reputation, but as she had informed Tyrion through a drunken haze, she had hoped that maybe she could be a woman that Bronn would finally like to settle down with.

(Y/n) had once been a feared assassin whose services could be bought by  anyone with enough gold; she was known simply as "The Mage" due to her use of magic in dispatching her victims, her ability to control the duration and pain of a persons death had led to her having one of the most feared reputation in all the lands, a reputation which meant that most would not dare come up against her.

(Y/n) was an elf, an exceptionally rare creature to be found in the Seven Kingdoms; she had been taken from her people, sold to an ancient order who had trained her to fight so that she could use her powers to kill their enemies, and over time she had become the orders greatest asset. When Tyrion had originally come across her, he had rescued her from the order, and had attempted to help her return to what few of her people were actually left, but she had been shunned and had returned to the only thing she knew, and that was being an assassin.

When the two had crossed paths again, Tyrion had been able to persuade her that there was a better way, and that a life in Kings Landing with him would be safer than selling her powers to harm others; and from that moment life had proved good for (Y/n), but Tyrion had always felt a loneliness in her, a loneliness that hurt him deeply to witness.

From what he had read of elves, he knew that (Y/n) was unlike others of her kind in the fact that due to the beatings and lessons she had endured during her time with the order, she had scars, scars that she believed marred any beauty that she may previously have possessed, and no matter how many times he or others had tried to dissuade her from this belief, she was unable to see anything but the scars, which led her to lead a solitary life, a life which Tyrion was determined to change.

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