The power behind the Lion - Tywin x Petyr x Reader

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Tywin looked down at the young woman that slept soundly in his bed; even after all these years Tywin couldn't believe how much his daughter looked like his long dead wife. (Y/n) had the same long golden hair that flowed in curls down her back like a waterfall, the same vibrant green eyes that twinkled and sparkled when her father looked at her, much to his delight; and amazingly she was even more beautiful than even her mother.

Since Joanna's death, Tywin had doted on his middle child, giving her anything and everything that her heart ever desired, much to the annoyance of her older sister. Cersei always viewed herself as the Lady of Casterly Rock; but in truth, everyone knew that the one that held the real power was her younger sister (Y/n).

Tywin had managed to wait until his daughter came of age to take her, but from that first time, Tywin knew that he would not allow her to be anyone else's. She was his daughter, his lover, his and only his.

The relationship between father and daughter had remained secret for years; even though many wondered why Tywin had still not accepted one of the very many proposals of marriage that had been made for (Y/n)'s hand, no one would dare question the old lion, presuming that the head of the House of Lannister was waiting for a proposition from someone in particular.

The secret between father and daughter was discovered though, when Tyrion had found himself walking the corridors of the Red Keep late at night, uncharacteristically unable to sleep. Soon he had found himself walking towards his sister's room; smirking when he heard the sounds of pleasure that filled the air. He knew he shouldn't listen, but he had been unable to help himself, leaning against the wall next to her door, eavesdropping as (Y/n) moaned erotically. Tyrion couldn't help but wonder who was brave enough to be the lover of his sister, who would be brave enough to come up against his father if Tywin ever found out what his favourite child was doing. He also found himself feeling happy for his dearest sister; their father had seemed to deny her love for long enough, and he was proud that she had finally found love for herself.

The last thing that Tyrion had ever meant to do was pry, he loved his sister and he wanted the best for her; but before he knew it he was opening the door to her chamber, pushing his head in slightly in order to see who had caught (Y/n)'s eye.

He stood there, frozen to the spot as the realisation of who the man was that had his hands roaming the body of his sister, finally hit him. His eyes grew wide in shock as (Y/n) turned her head, catching Tyrion watching what was going on; gently she moved her hand, bringing her finger up to her lips, indicating for her brother to remain silent, then shooing him away, as she ensured that Tywin had not seen his youngest son observing the scene; knowing full well what their father would do if he found out Tyrion had seen.  

Even though Tyrion had tried to ask his sister about that night many times, he had eventually given up, believing that someday when she was ready, she would confide in him.


Petyr had always had his eyes on (Y/n); not only was she beautiful, but she was also intelligent, with a thirst for power, and on top of that she was a Lannister, and the only one of Tywin's children that the gruff old lion cared for. Petyr had noticed how much influence the young lioness seemed to have over her father, and he was always intrigued as to why Tywin took so much notice and care over his daughter; but it wasn't until Tyrion had joined Bronn at one of Petyr's brothels, that the Master of coin discovered the truth, the dark soul of Petyr tingling with the possibilities of what this new knowledge could bring him.


(Y/n) walked happily through the corridor's of the Red Keep to her father's rooms, it was not unusual for him to call for her when he needed her, so she had not thought anything was out of their normal routine as she knocked on the door. (Y/n) smiled as she saw her father, but her smile faltered when she saw Tywin's dark demeanour, and next to him a grinning Petyr.

(Y/n) knew all about the Master of the Coin, he was the kind of man that you would never dare turn your back on because if you did, you would probably end up with a knife in it.

"Father." (Y/n) said softly, walking into the room and placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.

"Sit down." Tywin said gruffly, pointing to a chair across from where Petyr sat.

(Y/n) was taken a back, her father was never gruff with her, and even if he couldn't kiss her as he would normally, even in the presence of others, he usually kept her close to him.

"(Y/n) I have found you a husband." Tywin said harshly, glaring at a smug looking Petyr.

"Father, NO! I don't need a husband, why would you do this? Who is it?" (Y/n) asked, tears coming to the corners of her eyes, as Tywin simply stared at Petyr.

"I believe lady (Y/n), you will find that the lucky man would be me." Petyr purred, as (Y/n) stood up abruptly from her seat.

"NO! I WON'T MARRY THIS SNAKE!" She yelled, making for the door, only to be stopped by her father's voice.

"He knows (Y/n), I have little option." Tywin said, (Y/n) turning around and staring in disbelief at the two men.

"But.... but....... father, I don't want to leave you." (Y/n) said, Tywin pulling her into his arms, combing his fingers through her hair.

"Oh, I don't expect you to stop what you do with your father, I don't mind sharing you my lady." Petyr chuckled, grinning as he saw the look of hatred on (Y/n)'s face.

"Just listen to him my love, and then make your decision." Tywin said, kissing her on the forehead before he left the room.

"Give me one good reason why I should not simply have you killed." (Y/n) hissed, as she strode up to Petyr, slapping him across the face.

"Because my lady Lannister, I believe that an alliance between us, could be advantageous to both of us." Petyr told her, gently rubbing his red cheek.

"And what could you possibly offer me, that I don't already have?" (Y/n) asked, sitting back down as she waited for the whoremonger's answer.

"I can offer you power, position and wealth." Petyr said, furrowing his brow as (Y/n) began to laugh.

"Oh please, I am the daughter and lover of the second most powerful man in the kingdom, and what's more I am a Lannister. I already have all the power, position and wealth I need; you will have to do better than that." (Y/n) scoffed, as Petyr leaned over her, placing his hands on the arms of her chair.

"But your father is old (Y/n), sooner or later he will die, then what will happen to your position and power? The queen can do nothing to you as long as your father is alive, but once he is dead, what then? If you marry me, Cersei will no longer see you as the threat you are, she will put you to the back of her mind, and that is when you become truly dangerous. If you help me, you will not simply be the daughter of the second most powerful man, I will make you the wife of the most powerful man." Petyr hummed, moving closer so that his lips hovered near hers.

"I am quite prepared to share you with your father, all I ask is that you share your affections equally, and you stand by my side, supporting me with my dealings with Tywin." Petyr said, softly placing a kiss to (Y/n)'s lips.

(Y/n) mussed for a moment as she looked into Petyr's eyes; smiling finally as she gave him her hand.

"Well then my love, we should go and inform my father of our good news." (Y/n) said, smiling as Petyr lead her to the door. The snake may not be the husband she would wish for, but for her continued power and influence, even a snake could prove attractive.

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