Weakness - Part 2 - Ramsay x Reader

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I know that I am guilty of making Ramsay sort of sweet again, but I can't help myself 😁 And I hope that you all enjoy my imagines. Even though I may be a little (or a lot) different to others out there, I hope that you will continue to read my strange creations. 😄

(Y/n) turned her gaze from Ramsay. He was the last thing that she wanted to see. She wanted to hate him, she had to hate him. She wanted to despise him, she had to despise him. She knew of his reputation, had heard the stories that surrounded Ramsay. Had seen the evil glint in his eyes, and the wicked smile on his lips. But despite all that, despite the horrors, and everything that he had done to her family and her home, she couldn't help but want him.

From the first moment that she had laid eyes on Ramsay, (Y/n) knew that he would be her downfall. There was something about the bastard of Dreadfort that made her heart pound violently in her chest. Something about the dark aura that surrounded him that drew (Y/n) to Ramsay like a moth to a flame. The she wolf incapable of doing nothing but surrender to his light.

She would never dare admit her feelings, her desires, to the rest of her family. She knew that they would not approve. She knew that either her father or Robb would have sent her away to ensure that she was as far as possible from Ramsay. Maybe even marry her to a man that she had not even met. So instead, she had chosen to hate him, at least outwardly. Always being cold, always aloof. Always scowling and growling whenever he would come close to her. Always making her excuses to leave so that she could get away from him. All that was easy when it came to Roose, she had always detested and distrusted the sly creature. She hated being in the same room as him, but to leave the room when Ramsay was there, when all she wanted to do was stay, was the hardest thing in the world. He made her vulnerable, made her question everything she held dear. Made her want things that she knew she knew that she shouldn't. And now he was here before her. Her weakness.

"Look at him." Roose growled, grabbing (Y/n) from the chair and dragging her in front of Ramsay. Gripping her face tightly as he forced her to look at his bastard son.

"Tell him you want him. Apparently, my son is too much of a coward to take you, to take what he wants. Instead, he wants you to want him. To love him. So, tell him what he wants to hear." Roose continued with utter contempt for not only his son, but also the woman that struggled under his grip. His hand now firmly around her throat.

"TELL HIM!" Roose bellowed, as he forced (Y/n) to stand right in front of Ramsay. (Y/n) looking deep into Ramsay's eyes, as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"I........I......I want you, Ramsay." (Y/n) gasped out, barely able to breath as Roose's grip tightened.

"Take this bitch, and have one of the women help her bathe, and dress. When she is ready, you will return her to Ramsay's rooms, where she will do what ever my son wants her to do." Roose informed his men, as he almost threw (Y/n) at them. The two bannermen dutifully dragging the she wolf from the room.

"Don't get used to being here, Roose. Winterfell will never, ever, belong to a man like you." (Y/n) cried out as she was pulled down the corridor.

"You are pathetic." Roose hissed at Ramsay, glaring at his bastard before he too left the hall.

Ramsay slumped into a chair. He had never seen (Y/n) look so weak, so dirty. Her long hair, and beautiful face covered in the grim and filth from the depths of Winterfell. He hated being seen as weak, especially in front of his father. If she had been any other woman, Ramsay would have simply used her for his own gratification. But this was (Y/n), this was his weakness, and for once in his life he wanted something that was pure. Something that was his. Something that no one could take away.

Yet despite everything, Ramsay couldn't help but smile to himself. No matter what she had been through, no matter what she looked like, (Y/n) had still been her usual defiant self. And that defiant stance against his father, had only made Ramsay realise that he would do, and give anything to have her.


"You look beautiful, milady." The older woman behind (Y/n) told her, as she pulled the brush through (Y/n) hair one last time, before making sure that the light gown that Roose had ordered (Y/n) be dressed in, was tied tight enough.

"Is she ready?" A bannerman asked, as he and another man walked in. The old woman nodding and watching sadly as the she wolf was pulled from the room.

Ramsay turned as the door to his room flew open. (Y/n) and two of his father's bannermen entering the room.

"Get out." Ramsay growled, as he took (Y/n) from the men's grip and pulled her to his side. The bastard of Dreadfort, sneering at the men as they reluctantly left.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" Ramsay asked. (Y/n) shocked by how gentle the feared, depised man seemed to be.

"Er......yes. Thank you." (Y/n) replied, as she looked up at him. Ramsay carefully brushing away the single tear that was rolling down her cheek.

"You know. I could spend an eternity looking up at the stars, but they will never be as beautiful as you are now." Ramsay said, as he slowly circled her. (Y/n) summoning every last ounce of her strength, forcing herself to not capitulate right there and then.

"I have wanted you since the first moment I laid eyes on you. Dreamed about you at night. Pleasured myself at the thought of your body beneath mine. I want you to want me as much as I want you. I want you to love me, (Y/n)." Ramsay hummed, as he came up behind her. His hands carefully pulling on the string of her gown. (Y/n) shivering slightly as the material fell from her body, and Ramsay's hands gently began to caress her breasts. His rough lips kissing the soft skin of her neck.

"Please Ramsay. Don't.......I.......I......." (Y/n) began. The images of what Ramsay had done, and the faces of her family filling her mind as Ramsay picked her up into his arms. Walking her over to the bed and placing her on it.

"Tell me, (Y/n)." Ramsay continued, as he pulled at his shirt. The torn fabric flung to the ground as he crawled onto the bed and over (Y/n)'s naked form. Caging her between his arms as he slowly kissed along her jawline, before slowly moving to her neck. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips as (Y/n) began to moan. His kisses now finding her breasts, and then her stomach, as he continued to descend.

"Do you want me?" Ramsay asked, his face hovering over her swollen, wanton womanhood. Her entire body trembling as she looked down at him. His eyes sparkling with wickedness as he pushed her legs apart. His hot, heavy breath fanning over her heat.

"I........I want you Ramsay. I've always wanted you. Take me please. Take me." (Y/n) moaned lewdly, as Ramsay dropped his head between her legs. The feel of his tongue against her skin making her mind forget anything except Ramsay.


(Y/n) looked out of the window at what was left of her home. Her body covered by nothing more than Ramsay's cloak. The oldest surviving Stark child despairing at what Roose could possibly have in mind. Ramsay had confessed everything to her as she lay in his arms, (Y/n) doing the same as he had kissed every last part of her body. She had told him that she had always loved him, always needed him. That just like him, she would give everything to have him. But now as she turned her attention from the outside world to the pale man that was sleeping soundly in the bed, (Y/n) knew that this moment could not last. That even if they both wanted it to never be over, it was nothing more than a stolen moment in time. And sooner or later, she would have to choose between her family, and her weakness. 

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