The Oracle - Lord Varys x Reader

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Someone has asked me to try a Varys imagine; it's the first one I've ever done for him, so I hope its ok 😁

Varys looked out of the window of his carriage as he travelled far beyond the outskirts of Kings Landing; it had been many moons since he had been this way, too many he was ashamed to admit, he had neglected an old friend for far too long, and now that he needed her help he just hoped that she would forgive him for his disregard.

As the city turned into fields and then into dense forest, Varys knew he was getting closer to the ancient grotto that lay at the heart of the woods, in there he would find her, the oracle of the old gods.

He could remember vividly the first time that he had seen her; he had never met an oracle before, although he knew of them. He had been told that they were always a female child, chosen by the gods for their beauty and intelligence, to be their voice in the mortal world. As a special sign, the child would be born blind, their bright white eyes seeing nothing but what the gods wished them to see, and a mark in the shape of a thumb print between the child's eyes showed that they had been touched by the gods.

As soon as such a child was born, it would be taken from its parents by the three old women that were the keepers of the grotto, to be raised within the confines of the sacred sanctuary, to be the mortal vessel of the gods; the seer of the future for those that believed, her visions telling those that called on her, the good or bad of what was to come.

When Varys had first met (Y/n) she was but a child, small and beautiful, a bright smile on her face as he had entered the heart of the grotto; he had seen and experienced many things in his life, but this young girl was different and as she ran over to greet her visitor he was surprised how intelligent she was for one so young, how she had asked him about the world beyond her sanctuary, how she had asked to touch his face so that she could see him, her tiny delicate hands dancing over his features as her white eyes stared into the emptiness that was her world. She had told him that she thought he was pretty, but that he should smile more, to which the usual stoic man had promised to try.

As Varys had set his question for the gods to the small girl, she had moved to sit on a large stone chair that sat over a fissure in the ground; and he had watched wide eyed as gases began to flow through the crack, circling around the child that suddenly seemed to have changed from something young to what appeared ancient, her voice turning deep and low, and her white eyes glowing in the darkness of her chamber.

Varys had been surprised at how accurate her predictions were, although they never came out as straightforward answers, and sometimes required skilled deciphering, from that first question to the last one he had asked, her visions had always been precise, and now he found he needed her council more than ever; Varys knew something was coming, but what he was not sure.

He had been to see (Y/n) many times over the years, becoming friends with the young girl, watching her grow to maturity and blossom under the watchful eyes of the old gods. Men were not normally allowed to see the oracle alone, but given the fact that Varys was a eunuch, he was begrudgingly allowed a private meeting, much to his pleasure. The old women that watched over (Y/n), were known to tell others of their ward's predictions for the right amount of gold, a fact that Varys knew all too well, so he would always post men outside the grotto to watch over the crones to make sure that his meetings were in fact private.

As his carriage made its way through the dense forest, Varys finally caught a glimpse of the ancient stones that marked the entrance to the grotto, quickly he placed a bottle of good wine and two goblets in a bag, and as the carriage finally came to a halt, he pushed the bag under his robes.

"Why if it isn't the eunuch." One of the old women hissed disdainfully as Varys walked up to the entrance of the grotto.

"Come for your private talk with our little beauty, have you?" Said another, her dark eyes glaring at the man in front of her.

Varys could swear that the three old women had looked the same since he had first been to consult (Y/n), their long lank grey hair fell over their faces, which were distorted and twisted with great age; there was barely a tooth between the three crones and their clothes were tattered and torn, almost to the point that they were falling apart.

"Do you bring the tribute, Spider?" Asked the third woman, holding out her spindly hand, waiting for the purse to be placed into it.

Varys moved forward and placed a small bag of gold coins into the crone's grasping claw.

"Excellent. You know the way." The crone muttered, as she poured the coins into her hand, her thin bony fingers lightly brushing over the shiny metal.

With a nod to his men Varys made his way into the heart of the cave; even after all this time he knew his way to her chamber instinctively, as if he was being led by some invisible hand.

"To what do I own the pleasure of a visit from the Master of Whispers?" A voice suddenly said from the darkness.

"Can I not come to see an old friend?" Varys asked, his eyes falling on the young woman he had come to see, as she lit a small candle.

"Old friends we may be my Lord, but I am sure that you are here for more than to simply make up for all the time that you have neglected me." (Y/n) said with a wry smile as she moved over to a stone bench, patting the spot next to where she sat.

Varys quietly walked over, taking a seat next to the young woman who placed her hands on his face, her fingers lightly brushing over his features.

"Even after all these years Varys, you still need to smile more, you are getting old before your time." (Y/n) said with a chuckle as she took his hands in hers.

"Now, as pleasant as this may be, what is the real reason you are here?"

Varys couldn't help but stare; even he had to appreciate how beautiful she had become, the child he knew had become a woman, pale and perfect.

"I need information." Varys said, softly placing a few stray hairs behind her ear.

"And what could I possibly tell you that your little birds cannot?" (Y/n) asked, as she rose, and walked gracefully over to her stone seat above the fissure.

"There is something going to occur, I do not know what, but I can feel it; and for some reason I know that it will not be good, I need to know." Varys said, watching as the gases began to rise from the earth, enveloping (Y/n) as they swirled in the air.

"I see five great houses: one that of an old lion, the second of a young wolf in a crown, the third of two great stone towers, the fourth a leaping fish, and the last, that of the flayed man. I see a great red keep, an elaborate wedding, and revenge for a broken pact. I see the slaughter of the wolves, three will lay dead, surrounded by crimson, as the great old lion delights in the kill. You can do nothing to stop these event Varys, you can only protect yourself; the wolves will die, and the lions shall rule." (Y/n) told the stunned man.

"But there will be a price to pay for all those that break the rule of guest right; each man will meet his own grisly end in turn, their own death a mirror of the murder that they committed." (Y/n) finished, as the great wisps of gas retreated back into the ground from which they came.

"I am sorry Varys, this is written in stone; nothing that you can say or do will stop this." (Y/n) told him, as she moved to sit back next to him.

"Just promise me that you will protect yourself."

Varys sighed, looking into the white eyes of his friend. If she said that there was nothing he could, then there was nothing he could do.

"Now my old friend, are you going to share that good bottle of wine that you have hidden under robes, or did you bring that extra goblet so that the other wasn't lonely?" (Y/n) asked, smiling sadly at Varys.

"I could hear it clink as you walked into the chamber, and I know that you never come without bringing a little something." (Y/n) said, holding out her hand for a goblet.

Varys smiled as he took the wine from under his robe, it may have been a while since he had seen her last, but he would never make that mistake again.

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