Silver and Gold - Jaime x Reader

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Again this is a little something different. Hope you enjoy 😄

From the moment she was born it was obvious to all that (Y/n) Stark was different.

After she had given birth to Robb, Catelyn and Ned had found that for some reason, producing another heir was seeming to be an impossibility much to distress of Catelyn. Every night she would pray to the gods old and new to give them a beautiful daughter, a special daughter; but as time passed, no new heir arrived.

Ned was growing more and more concerned about the anguish of his beautiful wife, often listening to her cry at night as she asked the gods what she had done to be punished in such a way. He would give anything he had to bring back his wife's smile, to see her bellied filled with child, but no matter what he did, nothing seemed to change.

Catelyn had listened to the advice of many of the woman in Winterfell, hoping that one of them would know how to help her fall; but as time continued to pass, she had given up hope of ever having another child.

But one day, a mysterious old woman presented herself to the Lord and Lady of Winterfell, claiming that she could solve their problem for a small price. Catelyn eagerly agreed, willing to give anything for the chance to have another child; and despite his reservations, Ned had agreed once he had seen the look of utter joy on the face of his wife.

As the old woman stood before them, she looked deep into the eyes of the desperate mother.

"You have prayed for a daughter my lady, a special daughter." The old woman said, watching as Catelyn's eyes grew wide.

"Y-y-yes! But how could you know that?" Catelyn asked, leaning forward in her chair.

"You prayed to the gods and they have heard you my lady, you asked for a special daughter, and that is what you will have. You will have a rare child of unique beauty, so perfect and fair that she will surpass any other in the Seven Kingdoms; her hair will shame spun silver, and her eyes will be as wild as the sea before a storm; she will be like nothing anyone has seen, a creature like no other, but such a gift from the gods comes at a price." The old woman said, watching as Catelyn stared pleadingly at Ned.

"If it is within my power to give it to you, then you will have it." Ned said, gripping his wife's hands tightly as she began to smile.

"You will call the child (Y/n), and I will remain at Winterfell to watch over the girl as she grows; I will educate the child and keep her safe until she comes of age, but she must not be touched by any man, not her father, not her brother, no man. She is to remain pure, unsullied, and unbetrothed until she meets a man, a forbidden man with golden hair, that will break an oath to be with her; but she must hate him before she can love him." The old woman told Catelyn and Ned, who looked at her in disbelief.

"How could you ask such a thing? If you cared for the child, you would not wish her to go without the love of a father, or brother, to hate a man before she can love him?" Catelyn said, tears pricking her eyes.

"Your child has a destiny, the only man that is to touch her, to see how truly unique she is will be the golden man, her ears and hair are to remained concealed, her rarity only to be seen by him, that is the price." The woman told them, producing a small vial of liquid from under her tattered skirts.

Catelyn looked at Ned, unsure of what to do.

"I will love our child all the same my love." Ned said, reassuring her as she rose to her feet and made her way over to the old woman.

"We will pay your price." Catelyn said, as she drank down the liquid.


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