Obsession - Part 2 - Petyr x Reader

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I don't know whether to give you a part 3 to this imagine, but I hope that you all enjoy this second part 😄

Petyr smiled to himself as he watched Cersei storm off, her current attempt to berate her oldest child thwarted once again by the presence of the Master of Coin.

Since that moment in the garden when he had watched Cersei slap (Y/n). Since the moment (Y/n) had taken him to her chambers and cared for his bloody hand, Petyr had made it his business to impede the Queen every time she tried to treat her daughter with anything less than the respect that the beauteous doe deserved.

"It would appear that once again you are my knight in shining armour, my lord." (Y/n) chuckled, as she turned to face Petyr.

If it was possible, Petyr had found that he was doting more and more on (Y/n), his lustful obsession now even disturbing his sleep. And despite the obvious irritation of not only her uncle, but also Bronn and Sandor, at his constant presence, Petyr had found himself spending every minute that he could possibly spare with the young Baratheon, trying his best to protect the woman he loved from as much harm as possible.

"Not as though I don't appreciate your efforts at annoying my mother, my lord. But I still find I need to ask why you are doing it? Befriending me will get you no closer to the throne. My mother would rather kill me than let me become queen. I have no powerful friends in court. Even as the oldest child of the king, I have nothing. I own no gold. I have no secrets that you can use against others. So why are you doing this, why are you protecting me?" (Y/n) asked, as she stood before the lord.

Petyr couldn't blame her for asking the questions. Couldn't blame her for asking about his motives. Everyone knew of his reputation, and (Y/n) was clever enough to be suspicious. But for the first time in a long time, maybe for the first time in his entire life, Petyr had no ulterior motives. No desire to use (Y/n), no desire to ask anything in return. This time, what he was doing was out of love.

"Can I simply not be doing this because I care for you, my lady? Because I hate seeing you being hurt?" Petyr asked, as he stepped forward, reaching up his hand and gently cupping the younger woman's cheek.

"You deserve nothing but the best, (Y/n). Nothing less than everything I can give you." Petyr continued, an exquisite sensation taking over his body as (Y/n) moved closer. Her body pressed firmly against his.

"You think that I deserve the best? A woman that has spent her entire life stealing from her own family because her mother refuses to give her little more than what any of the servants have. A child that is so despised that the only friends she has are the other outcasts that call the Red Keep home. If it wasn't for the protection of my Uncle Tyrion, my mother would happily have made me disappear a long time ago. How can you care for someone like that, how can you care for me?" (Y/n) sincerely enquired as she looked up into Petyr's dark eyes.

"That is exactly why I care for you, my lady. Since you were a young child you have learned to live by your wits. You are the shadow that no one truly sees. You are quick and cunning enough to steal the best food and wine from under the ever watchful of the servants and your family. You avoid the bannermen and Kingsguards better than anyone I have ever seen, and I know that you know everything that goes on here. But it is not just the fact that I see in you a kindred spirit, (Y/n). It is because, that despite everything that you endure, you hold yourself with more dignity than your mother could ever dream of having. And even though you may be punished for it later, you are always the first to jump to the defence of those that may need help." Petyr replied, the Master of Coin surprising even himself at his own genuineness.

"Do you really mean that Petyr?" (Y/n) asked. Her hand reaching up as she gently combed her fingers through his hair.

"For the first time in my life, I mean every word I say." Petyr replied, as he learnt down slightly, his lips ghosting over (Y/n)'s. His arms wrapping tightly around her form.

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