Queen of the beasts - Part 5 - Bronn x Reader

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(Y/n) ducked as Bronn thrust out his sword. The tip of his blade piercing the wight that had been bearing down on them. The lioness turning and bringing up her own weapon. Its edge taking the head from the creature's body.

Bronn had been fighting side by side with (Y/n) since the battle started. Each one of their attacks finished by the other, as the two fought in perfect harmony, head after head tumbling to the floor. The pair working in such synchronicity that anyone that watched would swear that they had been partners for years.

The sellsword had not been surprised that (Y/n) had rushed headlong at the enemy. Not surprised to see the Queen of the beast's attack with such ferocity, that the ground around her had been covered in corpses in just moments. Normally Bronn would have gone his own way. Fought his own battle. But Bronn knew that the safest place to be in a fight, was right by (Y/n)'s side. That, and the sellsword was determined that he was not going to let the Night King, or his army, take his prize from him.

"GET DOWN!" Bronn cried, as he pushed (Y/n) out of the way. Another head falling to the ground as he brought down his sword.

"Yah can thank me later. Maybe with a kiss, and a yes ta my proposal." The sellsword said, as he helped (Y/n) to her feet. The two standing back to back, as more wights rushed forward.

"Even now. In the middle of almost certain death. You still insist on wanting my hand?" (Y/n) called out, as she and Bronn rained down attack after attack on the undead onslaught.

"Aye. What man wouldn't. Ya beautiful. Intelligent. Far too good fa me. And I luv ya. I always have." Bronn confessed, as the exhausted pair continued to fight with every last ounce of their strength.

"Well. If we get through this alive, we still have a score to settle. And if you can best me in a fair fight. I might think about it." (Y/n) replied. A roar emanating from her like none before as she cut and stabbed at the undead hoard.

"Sounds fair ta me luv." Bronn told her, as the two turned to look at one another. Neither of them sure that they could survive the fresh tidal wave of creatures that were running towards them.

"Until the end." (Y/n) said. Her voice barely audible over the cacophony of war. Bronn gripping her hand tightly as he felt her fingers creep into his palm.

"Aye luv. Until tha end." The sellsword agreed, with a small nod of affirmation. Before he and the Queen rushed at the wights.


Suddenly it was over. The battle ending as the great Night King and his White Walkers shattered into a million shards of ice. The wight army collapsing to the floor. (Y/n) and Bronn standing next to one another. The two exhausted warriors gasping for breath as they stared at the scene in disbelief.

"It........it's over." (Y/n) almost whispered, as she turned to look at the man by her side. The older sellsword sure that he had never seen her look more beautiful than she was at this very moment, despite the fact that she was covered in blood and dirt. His eyes growing wide as (Y/n) flung herself into his arms and held him tight. Their two bodies moving as one as they attempted to regain their breath.

"(Y/n)." Bronn said, as he brushed the mud ladened hair from her face. His rough lips crashing into hers, as they kissed with such passion that Bronn never wanted it to stop. His hands exploring her body. Neither of them caring about the chaos, or the bodies that surrounded them. The two lost in a perfect moment of peace, in the middle of death.

"Marry me (Y/n). Not cos I made ya brothers promise me. Not cos of some sense of Lannister pride. Marry me cos ya luv me. Marry me cos I luv you." Bronn continued, as he looked deep into (Y/n)'s eyes. His grip around her waist tightening as she rested her head in the crook of his neck.

"I......I......." (Y/n) began. Only to be stopped as a group of bannermen lifted her from Bronn's grasp. Raising her above their shoulders as they whisked their commander away from the scene.


Bronn slumped into the chair next to the fire. Tyrion pouring them both a glass of wine before joining him. With Bran being elected king, and Tyrion becoming his Hand, Bronn had finally achieved his long held desire of owning a castle. Being made the Lord of Highgarden, and the Lord Paramount of the Reach. As well as being elected Master of Coin. For most men that would be enough, but for Bronn there was still something missing. Still, something he wanted more than anything. His lioness.

Since she had been taken from the battlefield, Bronn had not seen (Y/n). The Queen of the beasts seeming to have disappeared without trace into the ether. Tyrion had tried to assure him that his sister would return when she was ready. That she had taken the death of Jaime badly, even though he had returned to Cersei's side. But as the days passed, even Tyrion was beginning to wonder.

"I know that she will come back." Tyrion suddenly said. Bronn looking up from his glass at the little lion's comment.

"She might come back fa you. I doubt that (Y/n) can stay away from her beloved brother for ever." Bronn scoffed. Sure, that if he ever saw (Y/n) again it wouldn't be because she wanted anything to do with him.

So many times, he had thought back to those moments on the battlefield. How she had said that she would stand with him until the end, her hand in his as they had faced the enemy. How they had kissed. How they had looked into one another's eyes. But after so long, Bronn had begun to think that maybe it had all been a trick of his imagination.

"Bronn. I assure you that when my sister returns, she will not return because of me. She will return because she still has a score to settle with you. And (Y/n) is not the kind of woman to forget such things." Tyrion chuckled. Bronn nodding his head in agreement as he recalled (Y/n)'s words before, and during the battle.

Suddenly a knock at the door made both men start. A young man walking into the room and bowing respectfully.

"My lords. There is someone in the courtyard asking to see both of you. The Lord Paramount in particular." The man explained. Bronn and Tyrion looking at one another in confusion, before turning their attention back to the servant.

"And whom might this visitor be?" Tyrion asked, as he placed his glass on the table, and got to his feet.

"The person told me not to say. But asked if I would tell Lord Bronn that he is an unscrupulous rouge, that would sell his own mother for a purse of gold. And that if he wants to best them in a fair fight, he should come out and face them." The young man explained uncomfortably. Hoping that the Lord of Highgarden wouldn't take against him.

"A fair fight?!" Bronn exclaimed, as he jumped to his feet and made his way out of the room. Tyrion following closely behind.

"Ready for a fair fight, sellsword?" (Y/n) called out as Bronn rushed into the courtyard. He and Tyrion smiling as their eyes fell on the woman that they had both missed. Bronn finding that he could do nothing but stare at the smirking lioness who looked perfect, dressed head to toe in brand new leather, with her sword and dagger strapped to her sides.

"It's Lord of Highgarden, or Lord Paramount of the Reach now, luv." Bronn replied, as he pulled of his jacket, and took his sword from its sheath.

"Well, all that may impress everyone else. But to me you will always be the sellsword that threatened my brothers and demanded Highgarden and my hand. So, I have one question. You have your castle; do you still want your lioness?" (Y/n) asked, as she pulled on her gloves, and draw her blade from its scabbard.

"Aye, luv. I still want er." Bronn replied, as he moved to stand in front of (Y/n). The pair smiling at one another as their blades touched.

"Then, you must best her." (Y/n) announced, as she swung her sword. Bronn parrying her blown and easily knocking the blade from her hands. The lord quickly pulling the Queen into his arms.

"It would appear that you bested me, Lord Bronn. So, if you do still want your lioness. Take her." (Y/n) said softly, reaching up her hand to caress Bronn's cheek. The old sellsword placing his lips against hers and kissing them slowly.

Tyrion turned from the scene and rolled his eyes, leaving his sister and Bronn to their moment. The little lion knowing that Highgarden would have its new lady. That Bronn would finally have his lioness. And that only a Lannister could make love that difficult. 

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