The Elemental - Jorah x Sandor x Reader

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This is more an imagine that is a lead up to a second part that will mainly just focus on Jorah and reader. Hope you enjoy 😃

All eyes turned to look at Jorah and Sandor as they walked into the tavern; the two men had been sent to a village to find a woman that Jon had described to Jorah as a witch, saying that the woman's gifts could serve them well when the war came, and as Sandor had told Jorah, a tavern always seemed like the best place to start looking for anyone.

"You know, just one time I would like to walk into one of these places, and everyone would just ignore us." Jorah stated, as Sandor stood behind him, scanning the mass of villagers; his brown eyes finally falling on a figure that sat at the very back of the tavern, dressed head to toe in black, a large hood conveniently covering any facial features.

"What do ya two want? Ain't no one fa ya ta fight round ere." A large man called out, chuckling as he stood up from his table, and raised his beer to the others present.

A murmur went through the patrons, as Jorah took note of the figure that Sandor discretely pointed out, his eyes never leaving the figure, as a pale delicate hand reached out from under the black cloak that clothed it and took hold of a glass of wine that sat in front of them.

"We have been sent to look for someone special, we have been sent to find a witch." Jorah declared, watching as the patrons looked at one another nervously, some of them inadvertently looking over at the figure dressed in black.

"Witch? Who told ya that me dear?" An elderly woman asked from behind the bar.

"We ain't had a witch round these parts since forever, ain't that right Harrin?" The woman stated, looking over at the old man that was collecting empty tankards from the tables.

"Ay love, ain't been no witches round these parts since....... well since I were a lad." The old man said with a smile, as he carried his full tray back to the bar.

"Who told ya there were a witch anyway?" Another man called out, as he looked around the other men he was drinking with.

"It don't matter who told us! We were told there were a witch, and we have come ta find her." Sandor growled, glaring at the man, as he finally made his way to the bar, closely followed by Jorah.

"Ya don't want to listen ta any crazy old stories, Sers." The woman behind the bar chuckled, handing Sandor and Jorah two drinks.

"Whoever told ya there were a witch round these parts, has sent ya on a wild goose chase." She said to Jorah, as she took a cloth and began to clean the stack of dirty glasses.

"Well the crazy man that sent us, said that there was a witch by the name of (Y/n), sounds a little strange that he should be able to give me a name and everything; don't you think? And he was quite adamant that I would find her in the village." A more diplomatic Jorah told the woman, his eyes darting back to the figure, as another murmur went around the tavern.

"(Y/n)? Ah! Well that explains it." Yet another man called out, as a collective laugh rippled through the establishment.

"Lots of men have thought that poor (Y/n) were a witch, said that she bewitched em; but the sweet girl was just a beauty." The barmaid explained, as the two men downed their drinks, Jorah's eyes focusing on the figure that a number of the patrons now seemed to be surrounding protectively.

"Look Sers, (Y/n) was no witch, she was the furthest thing from it; she was a healer, and she watched over the people and the village; some men just didn't like it when she turned down their advances, and they tried to have her branded a witch in hopes that she would come to some harm." The landlord began to explain, handing Jorah and Sandor another drink.

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