Sandor's Crow - Sandor x Reader

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(Y/n) couldn't believe that her own twin hadn't noticed her when she had got to the Wall; admittedly she didn't look anything like she did the last time he saw her, but still.

(Y/n) had grown up with Jon at Winterfell, but unlike Sansa and Arya she was not expected to have to marry well; as a bastard she was free to do as she wished, and what she had always wished to do was fight. Every day she would spend in practice, sparring with Jon, Robb and Theon, learning how to handle sword and bow, and by the time she had come of age, neither of her brothers, or Theon were able to beat her.

(Y/n) had grown to have quite a demanding presence, she was strong, yet still shapely, and her long black hair and dark eyes had attracted the attention of many a young man; not as though any of them would dare pursue her; not only would a suitor have to face each of her brothers, but if they got past those, then they would have too face (Y/n) herself, who was quite formidable.

When (Y/n) had heard of her father's death she knew that there was nothing else to do other than join Jon at the Wall. Unlike Sansa and Arya, (Y/n) had not had to journey with their father to Kings Landing, much to her pleasure; she loved Winterfell too much to want to leave and journey to that cesspit of filth and corruption, and had happily remained behind, even though she missed Jon beyond words.

Before journeying to volunteer for the Watch, (Y/n) had cut her hair as short as she could, she had bound her breasts, and had done everything else she could think of to make herself seem as male as possible, she had spent enough hours around her brothers to notice how they would act and hold themselves, and she adopted a few characteristics of each of the boys she loved to ensure that she would fit in with the other men.

The first time she had laid eyes on Jon again was when she was brough, with the rest of the volunteers, to be scrutinised by the Lord Commander, who to her shock was her brother. As his eyes had scanned over the men, she had hid away, hoping that he would not notice, for if he did she knew that he would send her away; women were not allowed at the Wall, and given the type of men that the Black Brothers attracted, she could well understand why.

During training she had proved herself a worthy edition to Night's Watch, beating every other man that had been sent up against her, and she had never been prouder than when she had taken the Nights Watch oath, the night she did was as fresh in her mind as if it had been yesterday, even though it had been at least a year.

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory." She had said, promising her life to her brotherhood; even though she was a woman, and the oath did not really mean the same to her as it did the men around her, she had still taken it seriously, standing by the oath as much as any other man.

She was amazed that even after a year, even after everything she had done, none of the men she lived with had noticed that the man they knew as Castor Troy was in fact a woman, and that Jon had never noticed that one of the Watch's most trusted Rangers was in fact his sister; but that was all to change.

A single blast of the sentry's horn rang out as she returned to the wall, she had been out for days scouting and patrolling around the haunted forest, ensuring that everything on the other side of the Wall was safe. As she dismounted her stead, she did not notice that the Lord Commander was behind her; he had been told of this Rangers most recent endeavours, and was intrigued to meet the man that the others called the Stalker, due to him being deathly quiet, with the ability to sneak up on anyone without them knowing.

(Y/n) spun around as she heard a cough from behind her, as she did, she came face to face with her brother.

"I have just come to meet the Ranger that all of my men talk about." Jon had said, not noticing anything until their eyes met.

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