Dynasty - Part 1 - Jon x Reader

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A lone pale horse came to a halt outside the gates of the Wall. Its rider, a figure dressed in a large grey cloak made of the finest firs, shivered slightly as the freezing wind of the north hit them with full force.

This was her first time so far north, but she hoped that braving the icy temperatures would be worth it in the end. She had managed to fight in the war, heavily disguised so that no one would be any the wiser of her lineage, but she had been there, keeping an ever watchful eye on the man that she was now here to find.

For so long the two had been kept apart, for so long she had been hidden away by her uncle, passed between families so that she was kept as safe as possible and away from prying eyes; but now she wanted to meet the only real kin that she had left, the one that was closer to her than anyone could be. Her brother. Her twin brother. Aegon Targaryen.

Men suddenly appeared from the Wall, coming to stand in front of the elegant figure. Her way bared by a wall of large bodies and fur.

"What's ya business ere." A man asked, his hand hovering over the hilt of his sword as the grey figure moved nervously in her saddle.

"I am here to speak with Aegon Targaryen. The man you know as Jon Snow." The woman informed the guard, the anxious creature watching as the men surrounded her horse.

Normally she wasn't so hesitant. Normally she was cool and calm in every situation. Her upbringing had been difficult, though her uncle had ensured that she had always had the best he could provide, and she had learned quickly to rely on herself. It wasn't that the families that she had grown up with were not good to her, but she was always an outsider, and she knew that when push came to shove, that the only one that would really protect her if she was ever discovered, was herself.

She had taught herself to fight from an early age, liberating old weapons from wherever she could so that she would never be caught off guard. With every new family, she quickly learned the best places to hide, the best ways to escape should anyone come for her. Knowing full well that there were some who would happily wipe out her entire line.

But now as she waited, so close to the brother that she had so longed to meet, she was worried that it had all been a bad idea. She had known that she had a twin from the moment she could remember. Her uncle had never kept his existence a secret, but she knew that he had never been told about her life, their uncle fearing what could happen to the both of them if the truth about their lineage was discovered.

"What is he like, Uncle? What is my brother like?" (Y/n) could remember asking, as her uncle made one of his rare visits to see her.

(Y/n) knew that it wasn't that he didn't care, Ned was a good man, but he had his own family and duties to attend to, and she was happy that at least one of them might feel as though they were part of a proper family.

"He is a good boy, (Y/n). Like you he has a strong moral compass, and he is wise beyond his years. He can be a little shy and quiet, but I know that when it is ever safe for you two to meet, that he will love you. Unlike you he is as dark as a crow's wing, and you know that that is the only reason that I was able to take him and not you, don't you?" Ned had told her, as (Y/n) took a lock of her white hair into her hand, wishing that she could be as dark as her brother so that the two could be together.

"I know, uncle. I just wish...,.., I just wish that he knew I was alive. I hate feeling alone, so close to him yet so far. I often dream about him. I often dream that we can be together and that our parents were still alive." (Y/n) had told Ned, as she quickly brushed a tear away that was slowly rolling down her cheek. Ned pulling the young (Y/n) into his arms as he tried to console her.

"I wish that you mother was still alive too, (Y/n). But I know that both your parents would have been proud of the pair of you. You will both be fine adults, and I know that you will accomplish wonderful things."

(Y/n) shook her head, trying her best to get the image of her uncle from her mind. She missed the older man a great deal and had been beside herself when she had heard of his death, vowing to do all she could to avenge the old wolf.

"Jon doesn't want visitors. Be off with ya." The man instructed, (Y/n) desperately stopping her stallion from rearing up as the other men moved even closer, one of them placing his hand on her leg.

"I don't mind seeing ya, even if he doesn't want ta." A large red man chuckled, his hand creeping further up onto her thigh. The other men laughing as he fell back onto the floor, (Y/n)'s boot having connected with his chin.

"My name is (Y/n) Targaryen. I am the daughter Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, sister or Aegon Targaryen. And I wish to see my brother, now!" (Y/n) exclaimed, the large men looking at one another in disbelief.

"Ya a Targaryen? Prove it." The large red man said, rubbing is sore face as he slowly got to his feet.

Slowly and reluctantly (Y/n) reached her hand up, pulling off her hood to reveal a head of hair as white as the snow that surrounded them. She had always tried to disguise her appearance, knowing full well that it was her hair that was the one thing that could betray her. She had done her best to darken her flowing locks by any means possible, but as she was there to finally see her brother in person, she believed that her true appearance would be the best way to prove what she was saying was true.

"I'm sorry lass. Take the lady inside. I'll go and get Jon." The large red men told the others, amazed at what he was seeing before him. One man bowing respectfully as he took the reins from (Y/n) hand, and slowly led the large horse through the Wall. 

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