The Brethren - Part 3 - Beric x Reader

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Beric and Thoros tried to explain everything as well as they could. The queen's eyes never leaving them as they told her their story.

"Do ya expect us ta believe all this? Expect us ta believe some strange outsiders with wild tales of legendary creatures? What, do ya take us for, fools?" A large older man asked, as he came forward, taking a place next to the queen.

"My lady. We have no need to go out into the world. We have no need ta help defend them against an enemy that they cannot prove even exists. No need ta put our people in danger. Tha world beyond tha mountains has lasted this long without the help of the Brethren, let them take care of their own problems." The older man hissed, as he glared disdainfully at Beric and Thoros.

"Doran. Stop! As much as I appreciate your opinions, I am well aware of the situation of my people. And do not for one moment think that I will put any one of them in danger unless I truly believe that I have to. These men have come here for a reason. A reason that may seem slightly unbelievable, but I have to think that there is some element truth in what they say. The journey up these mountains is a treacherous one, and only those that are truly desperate would contemplate making the trek." (Y/n) announced as she rose from her chair and looked around the others present.

"Brothers and sisters. You and the rest of my people are some of the bravest and most feared warriors this world has to offer. Our ranks are filled by what many consider as the lowest of the low, yet we know the truth. We know that we are the strongest, the most resilient, most deadly people there are. We are the unloved, the unwanted, the whores and beggars that everyone overlooks. Yet we are the Brethren. And the Brethren have never, and will never, shy away from anything that threatens us. Our ancestors created our home, and I have no intention of seeing it destroyed under my rein. I must have time to consider what Lord Dondarrion and Thoros have told me. Time to decide whether or not to send my people back out into a world that despises them. But I assure you, what ever I decide, it will be what I consider the best for all of us. For the Brethren." (Y/n) declared, those present bowing deeply before their sovereign.

"I will ensure that you are both made comfortable. You will have my decision in the morning." (Y/n) told Beric and Thoros, nodding respectfully to the pair before leaving the room.


"Well? What do you think? Thoros asked, as he made himself comfortable on one of the beds.

Thoros hadn't failed to notice that Beric had barely taken his eyes from the queen since the first moment they had seen her. Or that she in turn had done little to hide the fact that between the pair of them, that it had been his old friend that held her attention.

"She's a handsome woman. Strong, intelligent. Far too good for you of course. But as we could be dead as soon as the Night King and his Walkers attack, may I suggest that you have any desires for the lady, that you act now, or lose the opportunity." Thoros chuckled, as he leant down, pulled off his boots, and poured himself a glass of wine.

"What?.........What was that?" Beric asked absentmindedly, as he watched (Y/n) make her way out of the large gates that secured the only entrance to her kingdom.

"Tha queen. (Y/n). Ya haven't taken your eyes off her, nor she you. It's not every day that ya come across a woman like that." Thoros continued, as Beric turned to face him. A subtle smile creeping across the Lightning Lord rising slowly to his feet.

"She is a good looking woman. Isn't she?" Beric mussed, as he leant against the window frame. The lord suddenly shaking his head as he saw a glimpse of his own reflection in the glass.

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