The Oracle - Part 3 - Varys x Tyrion x Reader

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My apologises for not updating. I've had a really bad case of food poisoning 🤢 and I have been in bed for days. But I'm feeling much better now so please enjoy the next part to this imagine 😄

Varys watched (Y/n) as she sat on the seat next to the window, the last of the afternoon sun warming her skin. The Master of Whispers couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the young woman's mind, how much she understood of her current situation, and how much the old gods had allowed her to see. He knew that he had to get her out of Joffrey's clutches. That sooner or later the boy king would grow bored of his new plaything and would do goodness know what to his old friend. But the issue was, who could he trust. In the nest of vipers that was the Red Keep, who could he trust with the safekeeping of (Y/n) until he could find her a way out of her current dilemma.

Varys had never seen (Y/n) look so lost. She was an innocent in his world, a pure child of the gods that had been protected and nurtured since she was born. She was only meant for one thing, and that was to give a voice to the gods. To answer the questions of the faithful as best she could, despite the chaotic images that she was given. (Y/n) had only ever known the three old women, they were her mothers, her caregivers, and in spite of the way that the old crones had appeared, Varys had seen them around their charge, their demeanours, and even posture and features seemed to have changed when they were all together. But now, now (Y/n) had no one, no one but him.

"Varys. I will be fine." (Y/n) called out, turning to face the room. Her perfect white eyes scanning the room as she listened for her friend's movements.

"I am not scared of the mockingbird. His threats are empty. He is more fearful of me, than I am of him." (Y/n) tried to reassure as she held out her hand, waiting for the Master of Whispers to join her.

"I know that I have lost everything. The old woman, my home, my purpose; but whatever my fate, it is already known by the gods. I have served them dutifully since I can remember, now I just hope that they will protect me." (Y/n) said, gripping onto Varys' hand tightly as she felt his fingers drift carefully into her palm.

"They have shown me something. Images of three that can be trusted. Three that despite what others may believe, are wise, loyal, and would do me no harm. I have seen the image of a little lion with a scarred muzzle. A lion that despite his small stature is as fierce as any other of his name. I have seen the guard dog, the one that watches over the little lion. And I have seen the great black hound, the hound that spits and snarls, its scarred face scaring away all those that may get close. But underneath his thick hide beats a good heart. A loyal heart." (Y/n) told Varys, the eunuch more than aware of the three men of which she spoke, unable to understand why out of every man, woman, and child that resided in the Red Keep, the gods would think that Tyrion, Bronn, and Sandor were the ones suitable to watch over their precious child.

Varys knew all too well of the three men's liking for not only for the drink, but also for women, and he couldn't help but think that letting any of them, never mind all of them near (Y/n), would be like putting foxes into the hen house, and hoping that in the morning the hens would still be alive.

"I am not sure that those three men would be the best to have around you. At least two of them may described as having dubious characters." Varys said as he thought of Bronn and Sandor. The lord feeling slightly confused as (Y/n) began to chuckle softly.

"I would say that all three of them could be seen as having rather dubious characters; but those are the men that the gods have shown me. Now, I just need you to bring them to me, so that I can speak to them." (Y/n) replied, as she rose from her seat. Holding out her arms as she carefully navigated the cluttered room.

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