Huntress - Part 3 - Robb x Reader

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"Well, well, well. If it isn't my little huntress." Ramsay cooed softly as he came up behind (Y/n) who was busy tying the fletching on her arrows.

The day had gone well. (Y/n) and Theon had been proving that they were the ones to beat, but Ramsay had no desire to let the simple woman before him beat him in the next round of the contest, later that day.

"I'm not your little anything, Ramsay Snow." Hissed disdainfully, as she continued to work on her arrows. The huntress trembling slightly as she felt Ramsay move closer.

She never trusted Roose Bolton, and she certainly had never trusted his bastard son. There was always something dark about Ramsay Snow, always something that made the usually confident and strong woman feel slightly unnerved. There were rumours about him, stories that spread through the villages, and even though (Y/n) knew that these tales could become more outrageous and outlandish every time they were told, she knew that knowing what she did of Ramsay, that the truth was probably far worse than the actual stories.

Every time she and her father would journey to the Dreadfort to sell their kill, Ramsay and Roose had not been able to take their eyes from her. Her father had even told her once that Roose had made a proposition that he should leave (Y/n) with him. That she could have a better life if she remained under his watchful eye. But (Y/n)'s father had know better. He knew exactly what the lord of the Dreadfort had planned if he did allow (Y/n) to stay. And he knew that he would never let his daughter be defiled in the same way that Roose had ruined Ramsay's mother.

But Ramsay had also made a play for (Y/n), making it more than obvious what he desired of her every time he saw her. And the fact that he had heard of the relationship between the huntress and the heir to Winterfell, only made the Bolton bastard want her more. Ramsay hating the idea that Robb could so easily have what he so desperately wanted.

"Come on (Y/n). You know that we were meant for one another, you and I.  Just think of what we could do together. What I could show you. I know that I could satisfy you more than Robb Stark could ever dream of." Ramsay whispered into (Y/n)'s ear. (Y/n) shuddering as his breath fanned over the skin of her neck.

"You and I have nothing in common." (Y/n) declared, as she stood up sharply. Pushing Ramsay's hands from her shoulders.

"And I would rather die than give myself ta a Bolton, or his bastard. There is nothing that we could do together that I would enjoy. And ya have no idea about what Robb Stark can do. No notion of the men that he is. Robb is a gentleman, which is something that you would know nothing about." (Y/n) hissed disdainfully, as she and Ramsay glared at one another. The bastard of the Dreadfort stepping forward, grabbing the huntress firmly by the arms.

"You'll regret denying me, (Y/n). Sooner or later, I will have what I want. And there is nothing that your beloved Robb Stark will be able to do about it." Ramsay growled, as he pulled (Y/n) close. His grip tightening as he tried to force her to kiss him.

"(Y/n)." Robb called out, as he made his way over to where the huntress and Ramsay stood. The heir to Winterfell desperate to get to (Y/n), as his eyes fell on the scene that was unfolding between the pair.

Robb didn't like the way that Ramsay would stare at (Y/n). How he would talk about her in a way that suggested that he already knew what it was to have been with her. And even though Robb knew that she could stand neither father nor son, Robb hated Ramsay being around her. Just in case, somehow, the wicked, sadistic Ramsay, found a way to make his fantasises a reality.

"Is everything alright?" Robb asked, as he came to a stop before the two. The oldest Stark child glaring at Ramsay as he slowly released (Y/n) from his grasp.

"I was just wishing (Y/n) luck for the rest of the competition." Ramsay replied slyly, as he watched Robb pull (Y/n) into his arms. The Dreadfort bastard growling underneath his breath, as Robb kissed her gently on the forehead.

"That is very nice of you, Snow. But (Y/n) doesn't need luck. (Y/n) is the most skilled archer here. And I have complete faith that she will beat all comers." Robb replied, as the two men continued to glare at one another.

"We shall see. She has to face me next. And I'll do whatever I have to, to prove you wrong." Ramsay chuckled softly, as he made to leave. A wicked grin creeping onto his lips as he watched Robb and (Y/n)'s attention focus on nothing but one another. Neither noticing that he had picked up (Y/n)'s bow and concealed it under his cloak.

"Are you alright?" Robb asked again, as he felt (Y/n) grip him tighter.

"He scares me, Robb. I am ashamed to admit it, as I have never been afraid of anything before. But I swear that Ramsay Snow is evil and will not stop until I am his." (Y/n) said, trembling as she thought of Ramsay's hands all over her body.

"I promise you, (Y/n), I will never let Ramsay harm you. And there is only one man that will ever have you. And that is me." Robb reassured, as he placed his hand underneath her chin, raising (Y/n)'s face so that he could look into her beautiful eyes.

"I love you, (Y/n). And I want you to marry me. I don't care what my mother and father will have to say. I don't want to marry a woman that I don't know. I don't want to marry for power or position. I wish to marry for love, and there is only one woman that I love, and that is you." Robb confessed, as (Y/n) looked up at him in disbelief.

"But.......but we can't. I want nothing more than to be yours. To be yours for the rest of my days, but I am no lady. I have nothing to offer a great lord, nothing........." (Y/n) began, part of her hoping that she could talk Robb out of his decision. The other part of her hoping that he would never change his mind.

"I don't need a lady. I need a huntress. I need a woman by my side that is not scared, a woman that will do what needs to be done and is not afraid to make difficult decisions. A woman that is not afraid to fight for what she believes, and those she loves. From the first moment I saw you all those years ago, I knew that I didn't want any other woman but you. I have a Septon waiting in the grand hall, he has agreed to marry us, now. All that I need you to do is say yes." Robb told her, a look of hope in his gaze as he ran his fingers through (Y/n)'s hair.

"I............I. Yes. Yes, Robb I will marry you." (Y/n) declared, not quite believing that this was all true.

"Then let's not waste another moment apart. Come with me now, and you'll no longer be (Y/n) of nowhere. You will be lady (Y/n) Stark of Winterfell." Robb replied happily, as he gripped (Y/n) firmly by the hand and pulled her into the great castle. The two making their way to the great hall, and the waiting Septon.

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