Dragonflame - Tyrion x Reader

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Tyrion hid in the shadows; it was ridiculous, he was a Lannister, a high born gentleman, yet here he was skulking in the streets of Kings Landing waiting to see the mysterious beauty that would visit the same bakery every day at the same time, before making her way back down the Street of Sisters, and into the Guildhall, a place that Tyrion would never associate with such a fair lady, or a lady at all.

The young woman had first caught Tyrion's eye one morning as he left one of the many brothels that lined the Street of Silk; he could never remember having seen the radiant creature before, and he found himself wondering how he could possibly have missed such a woman. Tyrion wasn't unknown to many a female that worked in the brothels, but it was obvious in the way that she dressed and the way that she held herself that this was no mere whore, that, and the fact she was always accompanied on her daily shopping trip, by two large, rather brutish looking men, made it obvious that whatever her role within the Guildhall she was someone of importance, and that was one of the reasons why Tyrion now found himself hiding behind a stack of old boxes on the Street of Flour watching as the lady left her guards and made her way into the bakery.

Tyrion had been watching her for weeks and he had finally decided that it was about time that he and the mystery lady met. Taking a deep breath, he straightened himself, brushed off his clothing and made his way out from behind the boxes striding passed the two burly men, and pushing his way into the tiny, warm, aromatic shop.

"Oh, good morning my Lord, such an honour to have you in my humble establishment." The baker fawned, as his eyes fell on Tyrion, and Tyrion's eyes fell on the woman that the shopkeeper was currently serving.

"I will be with you in just one moment." The baker told him, before turning his attention back to the lady.

"The Barley bread is just coming outta the oven now (Y/n), so if ya don't mind waiting a moment, ya can have it fresh and hot." The large man behind the high wooden counter said, smiling when the young woman nodded graciously, before taking a seat near the window.

"Now, how may a help ya Lord Lannister?" The man asked, noticing that Tyrion's eyes had not left the rare beauty that looked out onto the street.

"My Lord?" The man said again, coughing slightly as Tyrion finally turned his head to look at him.

"Er, yes........ Barley bread, I'll...... I'll take a loaf of that Barley bread." Tyrion said, his gaze turning back to the woman.

"Who is that?" Tyrion asked quietly, as the baker came out from behind the counter.

"Why, that's the lady Balerion, she comes ere every day to get the bread for the Guild don't ya know; in truth, I think that it's the only time that the wisdoms let er out." The man told Tyrion, as he dusted flour from his large leather apron.

Tyrion mussed for a moment. "Balerion? As in the great black dragon, Balerion?"

"Indeed, yes. Lady (Y/n) is said to be a decedent of the great dragon himself, one of the few still living dragon clan." The baker told him, before making his way into the back of the shop to retrieve the fresh bread from the ovens.

"Good morning my lady." Tyrion said, as he came up to the woman's side, causing her to jump as she turned around to see the man that had addressed her.

"Oh, Lord Lannister. Good Morning." (Y/n) said, blushing as Tyrion took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Well, it would appear that you have me at a disadvantage, you appear to know me, yet I am not lucky enough to know you...... yet." Tyrion chuckled, as (Y/n) stood to curtsy.

"My apologises my lord; I am (Y/n) Balerion, it is a pleasure to meet you." (Y/n) said graciously, as Tyrion joined her on the window seat.

"I have seen you go into the Guildhall; do you live there?" Tyrion asked innocently, pretending that he had not been secretly following her, and smiling as (Y/n) nodded.

"Sort of, the pyromancers brought me here to protect me, I only arrived in Kings Landing a short time ago, and the wisdoms only let me leave the hall as long as Rayden and Kase are with me, and that I don't go near the Street of Silk or a man they call Littlefingers." (Y/n) said, pointing to the two large men that were guarding the entrance to the bakery, as Tyrion chuckled, knowing exactly why the pyromancers wouldn't want such a beauty anywhere near Baelish.

"Protect you? Why would the wisdoms bring you here to protect you?" Tyrion asked, his curiosity now more piqued than it was before.

"I am one of the last of the dragon clan, and the pyromancers believe that given my gift I am safer being housed with them." (Y/n) explained, giggling slightly as Tyrion furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Gift? And what gift would that be, my lady?" Tyrion almost begged to know, feeling even more confused when (Y/n) began to make sure that neither the baker, nor her two guards outside were watching.

"Can you keep a secret? I mean, can you keep a big secret, because only my family and the pyromancers know of my gift; so if I show you, you must promise me that you won't tell another living soul." (Y/n) said, as she took hold of Tyrion's hands and squeezed them tightly.

"You have my word my dear lady, not a single person will learn of your secret from me." Tyrion assured her, sighing happily as she pulled him in to embrace him.

To his chagrin, (Y/n) pulled away too soon, leaving his body feeling as through it had lost all warmth, a warmth that had been replaced by a dull ache that he knew could only be cured by having her back in his arms.

Tyrion watched on as (Y/n) closed her eyes and took a deep breath before slowly opening her hand; to his shock and amazement, her open hand suddenly burst into a beautiful green fire, the flames dancing across her skin as if they were part of her.

"Is....is that wildfire?" Tyrion stammered, continuing to watch in astonishment as (Y/n) moved her hand, the flames turning into a ball that twisted and turned around her finger.

"Yes, wildfire is part of me, it grows from me like a sapling grows from the ground; but it is not just that that is my gift, watch." (Y/n) told him as from her other hand appeared a black fire, interspersed with blood red flames that seemed to illuminate the small bakery.

"This is dragonflame, it courses through my veins, it is what keeps me alive, and I am the only one of the dragon clan that can produce it and wildfire, and that is why I am here." (Y/n) explained, as she closed her hands, and the fires disappeared.

Tyrion was dumbfounded, it had to be impossible, he had to still be asleep, slumped over the table in the brothel; but no, this was real, (Y/n) was real, and so were the flames that she had just produced. Before he could ask her anymore, one of the men from outside pushed his way into the shop.

"My lady, we must get you back to the Guildhall, the wisdoms will be growing concerned." The man said, all the time glaring at Tyrion.

"Yes of course, Kase." (Y/n) replied, smiling as the baker appeared with a large basket of bread for her.

"There ya go lass, and I've put in an Apple cake just for ya, I know how much ya love em." The baker smiled, as (Y/n) thanked him and made for the door, following Kase back out onto the street.

"I am sure that we will meet again my lord, especially if you continue to follow me like you have been doing." (Y/n) chuckled, as she leaned down and kissed a stunned Tyrion on the cheek.

"Until next time." She said, before following her two guards back towards the Street of Sisters.

Tyrion touched his cheek, feeling the lingering warmth that her lips had left behind, smiling as he relished the thought of the next time that he would meet his dragonflame.

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