House of Bolton - Ramsay x Reader

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Warning: Suggestions of incest

If there was one person that Ramsay loved and detested more than anyone it was his sister. (Y/n) was Domeric's sister, and Roose's only other legitimate child, and Ramsay hated her for that reason alone.

(Y/n) was cool, calm and calculating, able to manipulate others without them even realising; unlike Ramsay, who used fear and torture, (Y/n) would use a kind word, and a smile to get what she wanted, a fact that her father had used to his advantage on more than one occasion.

Even though Ramsay had killed their father, stepmother, and her new child, his desire for (Y/n) prevented him from taking her life. He would drive himself insane, debating in his own mind whether his love for her overrode his hate, and whether he should allow his dangerous sibling to live.

She was one of the greatest beauties in the Seven Kingdoms, a fact that had not gone unnoticed by anyone that had ever met her, including Ramsay himself. She was elegant but wild, intelligent and cold, an outwardly sweet character that hid her true nature, for under all that beauty and charm, she was every inch a Bolton, as dark and wicked as Ramsay was himself.

Ramsay knew that their father had had an unhealthy interest in his own daughter and had run off any man that had shown the slightest interest in his golden child, ensuring that she would remain with him at the Dreadfort; and now that Roose was dead, his obsession for (Y/n) seemed to have transferred itself to Ramsay.

If she had been anyone else, he would have already taken her as his, he needed an heir, and (Y/n) would be the perfect woman to give him one, but everything he had tried up until now had failed.

On countless nights he had made his way to her chambers, sneaking in, and watching her as she slept, often pleasuring himself as he looked over her lightly clad form.

He had to have her, but he had no idea how to achieve what he desired. Ramsay knew that threats wouldn't work, in fact, she was the only one he feared, as she had more power than he cared to admit. He knew that a word from her, and any one of his supposedly dedicated men, would slit his throat from ear to ear, even his most loyal men-at-arms could not be trusted as long as (Y/n) was around. Just a flutter of his sister's eyelashes and any of his men would turn weak, unable to deny her anything for the chance to be with her: and worst of all, Ramsay knew that the same went for him. 

Ramsay made his way to his sister's chambers, he had decided that a gift may ease his way into her heart, he had tried everything else and this was his last option.

"Get out!" Ramsay shouted out to the ladies maids as he entered (Y/n)'s chamber.

"Stay exactly where you are." (Y/n) ordered the women as she stood up from her chair, where the maids had been fixing her hair.

"It is up to me to dismiss my maids when and where I see fit, and until I choose to do so they will remain exactly where they are Ramsay!" She growled as she walked up to him, stopping as they came face to face.

"Now tell me, to what do I owe the honour of having my dearest brother come to visit me in my chambers?"

Ramsay could hear the venom drip from every word that she spoke. If it had been anyone else, they would have been on the cross and flayed, but as much as he hated the fact that she was making him look small, he could never bring himself to damage any of her beauty.

Ramsay took a deep breath, steadying his anger. "I have a gift for you (Y/n)." He said, as he produced a male hound from behind his back, handing it to her.

"Please leave." (Y/n) ordered the maids, as she took the dog from Ramsay's hands, the maids scurrying out, bowing to the pair as they left.

Ramsay felt his heart dance as (Y/n) smiled at the young hound, it nuzzling into her neck and licking her face happily.

"Why would you bring me such a gift?" She asked, placing the pup on the floor, and watching as it took in its new surroundings.

"Is it not enough that I simply wish to see my beloved sister smile? You should name him (Y/n), a hound always needs a name." Ramsay said, as he poured himself some wine and sat near the fire.

An evil glint came to her eyes, as she looked at the happy pup. "I believe that I will name him Ramsay." She said, causing Ramsay to stop and stare at his sister.

"And why would you want to name him that?" he asked, as a feeling of pride flooded his senses, maybe she did love him after all if she wanted to name her gift after him.

"Well, he's a dog, and the son of a bitch; what else would I name him?" She said, picking up the hound and taking a long look at it.

Ramsay could feel his grip around the glass in his hand get tighter, he didn't care who or what she was, these insults were getting too much for him to bare.

"But he is quite beautiful, I will give him that. There is an air of good breeding about him, despite his humble birth; maybe when he is old enough, I will give one of your female hounds the honour of being mated with him." (Y/n) said, holding the gift to her breast.

Ramsay was confused, it seemed obvious that (Y/n) was not just referring to the hound, and that the comments were aimed at him. Did she think he was beautiful? Could she be the one mated to him? It was as if with one hand she slapped him, and then with the other she caressed him. The only way to alleviate the uncertainty was to tell her what he wanted.

He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I want you (Y/n), and I believe you want me." He said, his lips kissing her neck.

"You disgust me Ramsay, why would I want you?"

Ramsay, shoved her up against the wall, pushing her legs apart, and rubbing his hardened cock against her backside.

"Maybe I should just take you! Who do you think you are to refuse me?" Ramsay growled, as he sunk his teeth into her shoulder.

"You even think about it, and I assure you that you will be dead before your cock has chance to leave your breeches. I know you Ramsay, I know you come to my chamber at night and pleasure yourself while you watch me sleep; I know that you want me, and will do whatever it takes to have me, but let me ask you one thing, what could you offer me that our dear father couldn't? That's right Ramsay, you aren't the first man in this family to desire my favour; our father offered to give me the whole of the north in return for just one night with me, yet I still denied him. So tell me, what do you have to offer that he did not?"

Ramsay released her, watching as she elegantly glided over to sit on the edge of her bed, as if nothing had happened.

"What do you want (Y/n)? Ask, and it will be yours." He said, crouching down before her, taking her hands softly and kissing her knuckles.

"You will give me everything I ask for without question, you will deny me nothing. You will stay faithful to me, and only me; and in return I will give you what you desire most in the world....... an heir. But if you break your word, I promise that you will regret it." She told him, his eyes lighting up as she listed her demands.

"Anything (Y/n), I will do all that and more." He swore, as he watched an evil smile grace her lips.

As she pulled him onto the bed, he knew that he had just made a deal with every evil creature of the Seven Hells; but as she kissed him, he no longer cared, she would give him an heir, and he would give her the Seven Kingdoms.

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