The Night Queen - Part 2 - The Night King x Reader

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I have been asked if I would do a second part to this imagine, which of course I am delighted to do 😄. This is more the Night King x Reader, and I took inspiration for this from a saying by the great Chinese strategist, Sun Tzu; "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." I hope you enjoy🥶❄️

The smell of war was in the air, every man that had ever faced battle knew that it was coming, now all they had to do was wait. All that stood with the living, huddled around the fires, trying to keep themselves warm against the freezing winds that seemed to plunge like daggers into their flesh; but there was one person that the inclement weather didn't seem to affect, one person that even the most formidable living warrior seemed to fear as much as whatever would face them when the Night King began his attack, the mysterious woman that everyone was glad was on their side.

The Night Queen had returned with Jon and the others, the spectres of her men being seen around the camp, greeting old comrades who would often shrink back in fear, not knowing how to react to the sight of companions that they had seen fall.

The Queen had gained quite a reputation for herself as being cold and quiet, always standing vigil as if knowing what exactly was to come, and oddly seeming to look forward to it. The men had to admit that from what little they had seen of her, she was supernaturally beautiful, with pure black eyes that appeared as tempestuous as any great storm, and pale hair which fell in waves over the dark armour that she wore. Most of the time she would sit alone, cleaning and sharpening two great silvery blades that glinted in the sunlight, sparkling like the stars in the sky, other times she would be surrounded by her dead warriors, the group speaking in hushed tones as if planning their very own war.

There were only two men that seemed to be brave enough to speak with her; Jon had been seen in huddled conversations with the woman on many a night, the two quietly talking about only the gods knew what, and each time the conversation ended, the Lord Commander would rise to his feet and bow respectfully and deeply to the ever quiet woman.

The other man was Bran; although the two never really seemed to talk, there was something between the Three eyed Raven and the Queen that no one could explain, a closeness that seemed at once platonic yet at the same time strangely intimate, as the two would sit next to one another and look out onto the vast expanse of snow, Bran resting his head gently on the woman's shoulder.

"You know him, don't you?" Bran asked quietly, as the Night Queen lay her head on top of his.

"I knew him, child. A long time ago, I knew him; but that was another life for both of us. We were not born like this he and I, we were created in one way or another, and this will not end until one of us is dead, and I assure you child, the one that will die on that field will not be me." The Queen hummed softly, Bran closing his eyes as she combed her long finger through his hair.


The living watched in fear and disbelief as the Night King walked through the Dragonflame completely unscathed, the dreaded creatures' eyes growing wide as he saw the figure of the Night Queen on the battlefield.

"I know you." The Night King bellowed above the chaos, as the Queen came before him, the two ignoring the warriors that were falling around them.

"You should. I was once yours, and you were once mine. You had my heart and soul, but you vanished to be replaced by this........abomination before me. When you didn't return, I wept for you to the point that I no longer cared to live; but then my saviour made me an offer, an offer that I found myself incapable of refusing. In return for my broken heart and soul he would give me power, immortality, and a chance to get my revenge on you." The Night Queen screamed, drawing her two great swords from behind her back.

"Who are you? Tell me." The Night King demanded to know, his mind seeing the final fleeting memories he had before he became the creature of snow and ice.

"I was your wife, but in these last ephemeral moments of your life, you can call me ..........NEMESIS!" The Queen called out, as she ran like lightening towards the King, their weapons clashing as the two ancient necromancers met in the ultimate battle of life and death.

Neither of the creatures noticed the war around them, or the bodies of the dead that were mounting up, too concerned with ending the other to worry that the world was ending.

Strike after strike, clash after clash, the Night King and Queen fought, their battle enough to shake the very gods themselves. Suddenly the King struck, his blade slicing down the arm of the Queen, and knocking her blades from her hands, a smug grin pulling at his lips as he watched her silver blood flow like water from her veins.

"It appears that your life has been in vain, if that is the best that you can do. You cannot defeat me, you are like the rest, weak and pathetic." The Night King growled, glaring at the woman as she began to laugh and slowly rose to her feet.

"Are you foolish enough to think that I would come into this fight not knowing that I had a real weapon, not knowing that I would win? It is you that is the weak and pathetic one, and your life ends now." The Queen laughed, watching as her metallic blood flooded into her hand, instantly forming into a solid Valarian blade.

Without warning, the Queen leapt towards the Night King, plunging the blood dagger into his chest, the King gasping as he looked down in disbelief at the blade that was snapped off in his heart, the feared creature falling to the floor.

The Queen fell to her knees, clawing her way to his side, gasping for air as she watched the King take his last breaths.

"(Y/n)?" The King asked, raising his cold hand so that he could brush his fingers over the skin of her cheek.

"Yes, Arran my love, its me." The Queen said, catching a glimpse of the man she had loved before he had become the dark creature before her.

"I love you." The King said, his eyes finally closing as the last breath left his body.

"I love you too." The Queen softly told the deceased King, as she slumped next to his body, liquid Valarian tears rolling down her cheeks as she took him in her arms.

The Queen didn't notice as the Walkers fell, or the cheer that went up from the living as the day was won; she didn't even notice that her men had appeared around her, all of them kneeling before their sovereign.

"Me lady, the day is won, you have done it." Brorras said, finally getting the attention of the Queen as she gently lowered the lifeless body of the Night King to the floor.

"Yes, then our work here is done." The Queen replied, as she stood to her feet, wiping the last of the shimmering tears from her cheeks.

As she walked through the dead and the living, she paid no heed, everything she had waited for was now done, and this land held nothing else for her.

"Lord Commander." The softer than normal voice of the Queen causing the bruised and bloodied Jon to turn on his heels.

"Our time has come to leave you; may you make a better world than the one that was before. But remember, sometimes we must destroy what we love the most for the good of everyone, no matter how much it may hurt." The Queen told him, a knowing look in her eye that Jon could not yet understand.

"And who knows, one day we may meet again, and I may just have an offer for you." The Queen smiled, offering Jon her hand.

"Thank you." Was all that Jon could say in reply as he watched the Queen's army of the dead disappear.

"Make the right decision Jon. No matter how much it hurts, make the right decision." The Queen whispered, kissing Jon on the cheek before disappearing to join her men.

Jon looked around the chaos, knowing that despite what they had already been through, that the worst for him was yet to come.

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