The Siren - Euron x Reader

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To most, Euron Greyjoy was the most feared pirate to ever sail the seas; but to others, those that really knew, there was a rival for that title, a rival that was simply known as the Siren, a feared captain that sailed a ship called The Kraken, a ship said to be manned by a crew of the dead.

In Old town, Euron had heard stories that The Kraken, and its crew, were once again plundering the seas. Said to be coming back from the Jade Sea, after capturing, robbing, and scuppering countless ships, leaving death and mayhem in their wake, Euron couldn't help but be intrigued by the stories that were being told; The Kraken, had earned a reputation as being the fastest ship on the seas, a ship like no other, its huge size deceiving those that lay their eyes on it as it cut its way through the water as if it was nothing more than air.

Its captain was said to be the most blood thirsty pirate to ever set foot on a ship, a beautiful woman that was rumoured to process powers that could control not only men, but the very water itself; her reputation for taking no prisoners was well know, with only one lucky man being left alive to tell their tale to others, and all bore a brand mark seared into their arm by the captain themselves.

As Euron stood on the prow of the Silencer, he couldn't help but smile as he looked out onto the vast expanse of water; what he wouldn't give to meet this Siren, what he wouldn't give to prove that he, and only he was the only pirate that should be truly feared. He knew all too well about sailors' stories, how they became exaggerated and twisted as they moved from story teller to story teller; but there was something about the tales of The Kraken, and its beautiful captain that seemed to ring true, and despite the possible danger, he would give anything to come face to face with his rival.

As Euron rested, one of the crew rushed over, shaking his captain from his rest and pointing to the starboard side of the ship, the man's eyes filled with fear as he tried to alert Euron to what was bearing down on them.

Springing to his feet, Euron rushed to the railings, taking out his eye glass he saw a great ship speeding towards them. As he stared at the vessel, he saw the great grey sail, the symbol of the Drowned God emblazoned across the large expanse of billowing material, the wind seeming to fill the canvas fuller than his own, as if some unseen force was aiding his pursuers.

Before Euron could bark out his orders, a hauntingly beautiful voice was heard drifting through the ether, Euron's muted crew seeming to fall under the spell of the sound as the Silencer began to shake violently in the water, the sea around it churning and foaming as the vessel came to a dramatic stop sitting motionless in the water despite the wind blowing through the sail. Within moments, the huge Kraken glided effortlessly along side the Silencer, the singing voice only stopping as Euron heard an order.

"Mister Rha. Give the order if you will."

"Aye, aye captain. YOU HEARD THE CAPTAIN, DOGS. PREPARE TO BOARD!" A gruff deep voice said, as suddenly men with ghostly skeletal faces appeared from everywhere, rushing onto the Silencer as they took the still seemingly hypnotised crew captive.

"CAPTAIN BOARDING." The gruff voice shouted out, as the dead men of The Kraken stood up straight and turned to watch as two figures came across one of the planks between the ships. The first figure was a large man, obviously from the Summer Islands that was dressed in grey, his bald head glinting as it caught the last rays of the sun. He stood down on the deck and held out his hand for the figure behind him to take; the figure was smaller but still looked strongly built, dressed completely in black with a large hood covering their head. As they stepped down onto the deck, the dark figure removed their hood to reveal a woman.

Euron's eyes widened, a mischievous grin spreading across his lips as he stared at the woman in front of him; her skin was tanned but not harshly so, and her features were elegant and youthful. Her hair flowed down her back, kissing her face, neck and shoulders as the wind gently blew through it, it was the colour of the sea, blues and greens of the softest and darkest hues, perfectly complementing her breathtaking green eyes.

Standing at the helm, the captain of The Kraken began to speak.

"So, this is the infamous Silencer? I can't say that it lives up to its reputation, can you Mister Rha?" The captain asked, looking over at the large man.

"Can't say I'm too impressed captain." The man replied, eyeing up the ship and its crew.

"My name is Captain (y/f/n) (y/l/n). This ship and its entire crew now belong to me, to do with as I see fit. Do not waste your last moments in this world thinking of someway that a mute could beg for mercy, because even if you could speak, no mercy would be given; I have no better nature, so there will be no leniency. I advise you all to pray to whichever god you may choose, for unless your captain kneels before me, these will be the last few moments of your paltry lives." The captain said, as she walked down the steps onto the deck, her eyes falling on a smug looking Euron.

"So, you are Greyjoy, the feared captain of the Silencer? I must admit that I am slightly disappointed, I had heard that you had a way about you, something that made you different from all other men; but you look like every other fool that thinks they can rival me." (Y/n) said, gripping Euron's chin firmly in her hand as she stared down at him.

"If you let me take you somewhere a little quieter, I'm sure I could show you that I'm not like any other man." Euron chuckled, licking his lips as (Y/n) softly stroked his cheek with her thumb.

Without warning Euron found himself prostrate on the deck, as the Kraken's captain stood over him, glaring down at Euron as he rubbed the cheek she had just hit, growling as she placed her boot across his throat.

"Mister Rha, take this runt to The Kraken, and chain him up below; Greyjoy and I have things to discuss. Get the rest of the crew to remain onboard the Silencer until they receive my order." (Y/n) told her first mate, smiling as the Islander roughly dragged Euron from the deck, almost carrying him, as he took him on board The Kraken.


Euron struggled against the chains, it felt as though he had been manacled for hours as he awaited the woman that had had him put there, and as he waited, he wondered what the feared captain could have in mind.

"There is no point in struggling, I assure you that you cannot get free." (Y/n) chuckled, as she appeared from the dark of the ship.

"What am I to do with you Euron Greyjoy? It would be a shame to kill you, a man with such a reputation could be of benefit to me, if only you would kneel before me." (Y/n) said, coming up to stand in front of Euron as she looked him up and down.

"They said you were a handsome man, a true Ironborn, an Ironborn that is feared even by his own people, and for once it would appear that the rumours are correct." (Y/n) mussed, as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"I believe that you and I should come to an accord, captain; an accord that could be beneficial to both of us." (Y/n) said, smiling as she slowly removed the shackles from Euron.

"And what did ya have in mind captain?" Euron asked, as he pushed (Y/n) up against the rough wood of the hull, pinning her arms above her head.

"Well, that's a good start, but given your reputation I am sure that you can do a lot more than just tease me." (Y/n) said seductively, as Euron hungrily attacked he neck, kissing and biting her softly tanned skin.

"If this is the kind of accord that ya were thinking of, then this could prove to be a very advantageous partnership." Euron hummed, as his hand moved slowly down to the laces on her trousers.

As Euron dropped to his knees, licking his lips as he pulled away the material that covered (Y/n)'s body, grinning as he felt her hand grip the back of his head, Euron was sure that he would never grow tired of this alliance.

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