The Hood - Part 3 - Jaime x Reader

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"It would appear that Ser Jaime has indeed made a terrible mistake." Robert said, indicating for one of his men to release the lady that was currently scowling at a confused Jaime.

"Mistake sire? This man that you jokingly call a Kingsguard attacked me from nowhere, bundled me up, knocked me unconscious, then the next thing I know I am being dragged unceremoniously through the Red Keep and in front of you noble lords." (Y/n) explained, feeling slightly amused at the glare which Tywin was sending in his son's direction.

"May I ask why you were in Kingswood given that this Hood seems to have currently made it his home?" Robert asked, as he brought his goblet to his lips, desperately trying to hide his smirk.

"My lord, I was out making one of my frequent visits to the villages in the Kingswood, I go there often with bread and things for the children, I am well known to all the small folk there and see little reason to fear this so called Hood; firstly I have nothing to offer in the way of goods or money, and secondly, as you and the lords Lannister are aware, I am quite capable of looking after myself, even against a bandit and his men, though I am sure that Ser Jaime doubts that." (Y/n) told Robert, who chuckled as he looked at the defiant woman and the golden lion that was now even more confused than ever.

"Of course, lady (Y/n), I would expect nothing less from you than your concern for the small folk; and I am more than aware that you are quite capable of looking after yourself. I will apologise to you on Ser Jaime's behalf for his mistake, and will have you returned to your home straight away." Robert told her, a smirk on his face as he once again saw (Y/n) glare at Jaime.

"Thank you, your majesty, as always you are too kind; and as long as it is not Ser Jaime escorting me home I would be grateful, I think I've had all I can take of him for one day." (Y/n) said with a polite curtsy as one of the bannermen gestured for the lady to follow.

"Well, Ser Jaime, it would appear that this Hood has outmanoeuvred you; maybe this simple bandit is slightly more intelligent than we thought. Maybe you should go and consider a different tactic." Robert said, trying not to laugh, the confused look still lingered on Jaime's face, as he turned to leave the Great Hall.

"You still don't know who that was do you?" Tyrion asked as he finally caught up with his brother.

"Of all the people, it had to be her." Tyrion chuckled, as Jaime stopped in his tracks and looked down at his younger brother.

"Do you remember, some time ago, Robert informed you and the rest of the Kingsguard that there would be someone new joining your ranks, and that someone would be lady (Y/n) Fell of Felwood. You out of all of the Kingsguards protested the loudest, and despite the fact that Robert was confident in her abilities, he finally decided to listen to you, and told the good lady that she could not become what she had trained for all her life; a fact that I must say has made (Y/n) slightly bitter towards you in particular." Tyrion told Jaime, as finally he remembered how he had pushed for the woman not to be included as a Kingsguard.

"You mean, that was her?" Jaime asked, as he looked up to her disappearing figure in the distance.

"Indeed, and I think we have just found the one woman in the whole of the Seven Kingdoms that can't the stand the sight of you." Tyrion said shaking his head as he remembered his friend's disappointment at the news she could not become the one thing she always wished for.

Unlike Jaime, Tyrion knew (Y/n) well, she was Lord Fell's only child and despite her gender her father had always believed that she could achieve her goal of being a Kingsguard; from the moment she was old enough, she had been taught the sword and the bow, she was an exceptional horsewoman, her abilities with the staff were unrivalled, and if she had been a man, Tyrion was sure that his brother would not have had an issue with the heir to the House Feel joining the ranks of the Kingsguard.

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