Dynasty - Part 2 - Jon x Reader

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"She claims to be my sister? I have no sister. I am the only child of Lyanna and Rhaegar." Jon protested as Tormund tried to explain what he had just seen.

"Not according ta this lass. And I can tell ya one thing, there ain't no mistaking that whether er claims are true or not, she looks every inch like a dragon." Tormund continued, as he tried to encourage Jon to come and meet the young woman.

Jon sat down on the step, his mind racing. A sister? A sister! If it was true, why had Ned kept her secret, why had she not always been with him, why had Ned kept them apart? Jon knew that he had always felt that part of him was missing, that there was something that belonged in the space in his heart, but he had always put it down to being a bastard, and being treated as such by Catelyn. When he had learnt of his true lineage some things had fallen into place, and he presumed that the missing piece had been explained, but now, a sister. A twin sister. This was what he had been waiting for.

Jon had questioned himself since Dany's death. Questioned his place in the world, questioned why he was still there. He had felt as though he was being punished by the gods, but surly this sister turning up was a sign. A sign that he had done what was right. And she was his reward.

"Where is she?" Jon asked, jumping to his feet and rushing back inside.

"I told Thorne ta take er inside. He probably took her ta ya rooms." Tormund said, as he rushed after Jon whose pace had now turned into a sprint.

(Y/n) spun around as the doors to the room flew open. A young dark haired man staring at her in disbelief as he slowly entered. She had only caught a glimpse of him on the battlefield. Then he had been covered in dirt and blood, his face twisted in anger as he had fought the foe. But still she knew it was him, she knew that it was her brother.

"Aegon?" (Y/n) asked hesitantly as the man moved to stand in front of her.

"My name is (Y/n) Targaryen. I am your sister."

Jon wasn't sure what to do, what to think. As Tormund had told him, the young woman in front of him was definitely a dragon. Her hair, her eyes, her build, there was certainly no hiding her family line. But still, there was something very Stark about her too.

"I am sorry that I didn't come to you sooner. I'm not even sure if I should be here now. I know that this must all be a great shock to you. Finding out that you have a sister is one thing, but finding out that you have a twin sister..........well........" (Y/n) began, gasping as Jon suddenly pulled her into his arms. Tears slowly forming in his eyes as he held her close.

"Sister. (Y/n)." Jon sighed happily, gripping tighter as he felt (Y/n) tremble in his arms.

"You will never know how much I have missed you. How many nights I have wished that all this was real, and not just some wonderful dream. How long I have longed to come to you and tell you that I existed. That I love you." (Y/n) said, as Jon moved so that he could take her face in his hands. His thumbs carefully brushing away the tears that were gently rolling down her cheeks.

"(Y/n)." Jon hummed softly, still in disbelief. The young man smiling as he looked into his sister's eyes.

It had to be true. She was a gift from the gods. She was the missing part of his heart.

"I have something for you." (Y/n) told him, as she pulled away slightly. Taking a necklace out from under her cloak.

"I have wore this for as long as I can remember. Uncle Ned told me that it was a gift from our father to our mother. And that I should look after it until the day we met, then it could be both of ours." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled the necklace from her neck, and placed it over Jon's head.

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