Weakness - Part 1 - Ramsay x Reader

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I haven't done a Ramsay imagine for a while, so here we go. And I know that I have changed the sacking of Winterfell and the deaths of Robb and Catelyn timeline for this, I know that in truth it's all different, but I hope that you will forgive me, and just go with it. I try to stick closely to a lot of elements of the show and books, but for this one, I have gone a little rogue. Hope you still enjoy.🙏😄

Ramsay hated to admit it, even to himself, but he had one weakness. A weakness that he was sure that with one word could bring him to his knees. With one look, could make him forget everything. With one kiss, could make him defy his father, and surrender Winterfell.

He had never told anyone of his weakness, fearing that if others knew of it, they would take it away. That if they knew, they would use it against him, and he couldn't allow either one of those things. For now that he had her, he never wanted to lose (Y/n) Stark.

Not as though he really had her, as currently she was locked in the depths of her ancestral home. But it had been the closest Ramsay had ever truly gotten.

(Y/n) had done all she could to defend Winterfell. She had fought like the wolf she was when the Ironborn had attacked. The fact that she had lost her older brother and mother. Lost her father. Her sisters still in Kings Landing, Jon at the Wall, and her younger brothers the gods only knew where, giving (Y/n) the further impetus to protect one of the only things that she had left.

She had tried to kill Roose with a dagger that she had had concealed. Spat in Theon's face for his betrayal of her family, and had even managed kill one of the Bolton bannermen that had been trying to hold her. And all that was why Ramsay wanted her.

From the first moment he had laid eyes on the second oldest Stark child, Ramsay knew that he would do anything to have her. One moment she could be sweet and kind, graceful and elegant. The picture of womanly perfection. Yet with one word, she could happily, and quickly, have a blade pointed at a throat. Snarling and growling like a wild animal.

To Ramsay, (Y/n) was like fire, filled with a raging passion. She was like the winter, cool and cruel. She was a maelstrom, a storm of unprecedented proportions. She was the heavens and hells all mixed into one perfectly formed creature. And Ramsay wanted to surrender to all of it.

"In the name of the gods. Just take the girl. Stop pouting like a child." Roose hissed, as he looked at Ramsay who seemed to be lost in his own mind.

Roose had seen how his bastard son looked at the she wolf. He had seen how Ramsay's demeanour would change when (Y/n) was present. He had seen how passionately Ramsay had defended her, when Roose had reasoned that it would be safer if she were killed. But now he reasoned that a better way to keep Ned Stark's oldest daughter in check, and really legitimise their grip on the north, would be to have her wedded to his son.

"I don't want to take her. I want her to want me." Ramsay replied. Roose scoffing at his bastard's emotional comment. Roose a little taken aback at how his son could gladly flay the Ironborn, but when it came to the she wolf, he was like a meek, lovesick boy.

"You have met (Y/n) haven't you? She hates you. She hates anyone that would harm her family. And when that girl hates, there is nothing that you can do to change her mind. I am sick of you acting like a woman. If you want her, take her. Don't give her a choice. She is too much like Robb. She won't just surrender to you. I have sent some of the men down to the get her, and this time, we will not take no for an answer." Roose growled, as Ramsay turned to look at him. Knowing that this was the first time that he had been able to lay his eyes on his weakness since she had stood against the burning of her home.


(Y/n) huddled into the corner. The sound of scurrying tiny paws making her shudder as she thought of the rats that she couldn't see. Since the fall of her home, she had been down here in the damp and dirt. The incessant dripping of water and the feel of insects crawling across her skin had made it impossible for her to sleep despite the all invasive darkness. And she had never felt more alone in her life.

She wasn't sure how long she had been there, bound and chained like a wild animal. But she knew that she would never forgive Theon for what he had done. To (Y/n) he had been as much a brother as any of those that were her blood. She had loved him and believed that he had loved her in return. But now she knew that was all a lie. That he had never cared for any of them, and if she lived long enough to see him again, she would kill him.

Suddenly the door to the dungeon opened. (Y/n) physical trying to make herself as small as she possibly could. Not knowing what was to come. The light from the burning torches stinging her eyes as she covered her head.

"Yah coming with us. Lord Bolton wants to see ya." A gruff voice barked. (Y/n) struggling as best as her weakened form would allow.

"I don't care what that bastard wants. I don't want to see that ugly face of his, unless it has Jon's sword sticking out of it." (Y/n) yelled, as she tried to bite and kick against the two men that were now carrying her through the corridors of her home.

Pushing through the doors to the great hall, the two Bolton bannermen threw her into the nearest chair. Holding her tightly as Roose came forward and looked her up and down. A smug grin on his face as he saw her dishevelled state.

"Well, well, well. Not so high and mightily now are you bitch? So much for the feared wolves of Winterfell." Roose chuckled menacingly, as he grabbed hold of (Y/n) by the chin and held her firmly. The Lord of the Dreadfort growling as he wiped away the saliva that she had just spit into his face.

"You are nothing but a coward, that is not only a pathetic excuse for a lord, but also a man. You betrayed my family. My father, my brother. But rest assured, you spinless animal. The wolves will rise again." (Y/n) hissed in reply. Nearly falling from the chair as Roose slapped her hard across the face.

"The only reason that you are still alive whore, is because I have plans for you. You will marry Ramsay. You will show everyone that the Bolton's are the new rulers of the north. And if you refuse, I will take great delight in hanging you from the tops of what is left of this castle. You will supply my son with heirs, and you will be grateful for it. And if you ever again say one word that I do not like, I assure you that you will regret it." Roose bellowed, as he stood with his face directly in front of (Y/n)'s.

(Y/n) stared wide eyed as Ramsay suddenly appeared from behind his father. His glance, uncharacteristically apologetic as he looked at her. She had not seen him since he and Roose had betrayed her brother. Since they had burned Winterfell. But as she looked at him, she couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach. For despite everything he had done. The horrors he had been responsible for. Ramsay was still her weakness.  

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