Tyrion's Twin

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Warning: Angst, and implications and mentions of incest. No smut though.

It had never been easy being Tyrion's twin; true he was nice to everyone else, and got on especially well with Jamie, but to (Y/n) he seemed to have always been vile. He hated the fact that he had been born an imp whereas she were born "normal", as he called it. He hated to fact that she were their father's favourite, whereas he was treated like nothing more than a common bastard.

He hated the fact that everyone viewed (Y/n) as intelligent and beautiful, whereas he was treated like an ugly child. But most of all he hated that she was like the mother that neither of them had got the chance to know. (Y/n) had been born first only by a few minutes, but it was enough for the Maester's to put the blame for their mother's death on him after he was born. (Y/n) looked like their mother so much that their father protected her from anyone and anything, and had even turned down marriage proposals for her, to make sure that she remained with him.

Tyrion seemed to believe that (Y/n) had been given everything and he nothing, apart from scorn and hatred.

Despite how mean he had been to (Y/n) as they had grown, deep down she loved him, the two were both so much alike; always with their noses in books, sharp of wit and able to speak about any subject with knowledge and enthusiasm.

She would always come to his defence when others tried to tease or bully him, and much to their father's and older sister's annoyance (Y/n) had even put herself in danger on more than one occasion to protect him. He of course had never appreciated her efforts, saying that he didn't need her help and that she was in fact only making things worse as he would be punished by their father for allowing her to be exposed to danger.

One day as (Y/n) walked through the gardens she had come across a number of guards pushing her brother around, having no respect for his title or the fact that he was a Lannister. She knew she should probably turn around and leave, let Tyrion sort things out for himself, but when she saw one of the guards hit him, her blood began to boil.

A small cough alerted the guards to the fact that the old lions favourite cub was behind them, and despite (Y/n)'s tender years they knew that the lioness could roar.

"How dare you touch my brother; who do you think you are to lay your hands on a Lannister?" (Y/n) growled at the men.

The guards, as well as her brother looked at (Y/n) in shock; she were not known to raise her voice often, usually she was sweet and kind, with a soft voice and a gentle demeanour. But as her beloved brother lay on the floor nursing a bright red cheek and a busted lip, she had seen blood.

"You can be sure that I will inform my father of what happened here, and you will all be punished for harming my brother."

One of the guards who had too much balls, or too few braincells let out a small chuckle.

"With all due respect milady, we all know of your father's contempt for the imp. I don't believe that lord Tywin will do anything."

A sweet smile came to (Y/n)'s face as she walked up to the man; when they were only inches apart, (Y/n)'s knee came up and went straight into the guards crotch, causing him to fall to his knees, his hands cradling his probably bruised manhood.

"And if you know my father, you will know that he will do anything I ask him to do, and I am going to make sure that all of you receive the relevant punishment for what you have done. Now I suggest you all leave before I get really angry." (Y/n) said to the men, as they quickly helped their friend to his feet and rushed off back into the keep.

She looked down at Tyrion who was still on the floor, offering him her hand to help him up.

"I don't need your help (Y/n)." He said knocking his sister's hand away and getting to his feet.

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