The daughter of the sun and moon - Part 2 - Tyrion x Reader

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"It's the princess. It has to be her." One of the miners said quietly to his fellows. Tyrion turning to look at the man.

"You know of the legend? You know of princess (Y/n)?" Tyrion asked. The men collectively nodding.

"Aye, milord. Ain't a man that has ever worked in tha mines, that ain't heard a tha princess. She protects us. Before we start fa tha day, all of us ask er ta watch ova us when we work. Ain't a man that hasn't wanted ta find er ova tha years. But none a us ever thought we would. Legend says that she could return ta tha world. ." The miner informed Tyrion, as the little lord turned back to look at the figure. His fingers delicately brushing over the face of the effigy. Its golden surface seeming strangely warm.

"What.......what should we do with er milord? We were gonna send word to ya father. But now ya ere." Timos enquired, as the little lion continued to focus all his attention on the golden princess.

"No. Don't send word to my father." Tyrion began. Knowing full well that his father would most likely have the golden effigy melted down and made in Gold Dragon coins. Showing no respect for what the superbly crafted figure meant to the history of their home.

"Milord. I don't mean ta speak outta turn, and we know that is ya business. But tha princess belongs ta the rock more than even ya family does. She's been protecting tha castle and tha miners since it all began. And in truth, we don't want ta see er go." The eldest of the miners spoke up hesitantly. Tyrion turning to look at him.

"You are of course quite right. The princess should remain and be honoured in the place in which she has rested for so long. We will lay her in state in the great hall until we can find a more suitable home for her." Tyrion declared, as he walked over to the miners.

"Have no fear. I will make sure that she receives only the best treatment." The youngest Lannister reassured. Placing his hand comfortingly on the arm of the man, before he left to make his way to his rooms to think. A confused Bronn in tow.


"Are ya gonna tell me what's goin on?" Bronn asked, as he poured himself and Tyrion a glass of wine.

"She was the one I came to find out about." Tyrion replied quietly, as he took the glass for the sellswords hand.

"Ya mean ya dragged me from Kings Landing fa a damn legend?" Bronn huffed, now even more annoyed that Tyrion had forced him from the warm beds of the whores in Littlefingers brothels.

"I told you. I found out that there was something I didn't know. And that was about the legend of the princess. I came here to find out more. To have that gap in my knowledge filled. The discovery of that effigy is of great importance to not only my family and the miners, but also Lannisport, and the whole of the Seven Kingdoms. To find such an artifact from the time of the First Men is unheard of. And we are staying here until I find out everything I need to know." Tyrion continued slightly harshly, as he slammed the glass down on the table, and made his way over to the window. Watching as the sun slowly began to set over the Sunset sea.

"Well, ya can stay locked up in this castle fa as long as it takes. I, on the other hand am gonna try and make tha best a this. And I am off ta introduce meself ta tha local ladies. Ya can have ya golden princess. I prefer my woman, warm and wanton." Bronn replied, slamming his own glass down and leaving the room.

Tyrion continued to look out over the sea. Completely oblivious to the fact that Bronn had left the room. Not for one minute would he have thought that the princess' body would actually exist. He knew that all myths and legends had some element of truth about them. But to actually lay eyes on the replica of the daughter of the sun and moon. A work of art that must have been crafted by some great artisan so many moons before, was a privilege. Yet Tyrion had to admit that it wasn't just his need to find out more about the princess that was keeping him at Casterly Rock. It was that as soon as he lay eyes on the golden form, something had spoken to him. A small soft voice in the back of his mind that told him not to leave. He knew that it sounded insane. That if it was someone else, he would believe that they had lost their mind. But as he had touched the figures golden skin, he had felt a shock. As if the sky had opened and he had been hit by lightning. And he wanted to know why.

Turning around, he made for the door. Still not noticing or caring that Bronn had left. He had to go and see the princess now that he was alone. To see if there was something behind that feeling and voice that was more than just his overactive imagination.


The candle's light flickered gently as Tyrion made his way through the now silent corridors of Casterly Rock. He hadn't noticed the lateness of the hour, but he was glad that the castle was quiet, and that he would be able to look upon the golden effigy without interruption. With every step towards the great hall, the little lions heart began to beat faster. Tyrion sure that the noise of it thumping against his ribcage, would wake up all those that slumbered. Yet despite his concerns, the great castle remained at a hauntingly silent rest.

Hesitantly, Tyrion lay his hand on the doors to the great hall. He could swear that he could smell the scent of night blossoming flowers fill the air. The heavy perfume filling his senses and calling him to push open the door. And as he did just that, a soft gust of air blew out the candle, leaving him in almost complete darkness, except the bright rays of moonlight which seemed to surround the silently resting effigy in a heavenly glow.

"My lady." Tyrion said as he drew up to the figure. Sure, that if anyone else were there, that they would laugh him all the way back to Kings Landing for talking to a statue.

"You are more breathtaking than I could ever have imagined. Even your legend does not do you justice. You truly must have been the daughter of the sun and moon. For only something as mighty and beautiful as those celestial beings, could create a creature that was quite so exquisite." Tyrion whispered, as he took a seat next to the figure. His fingers delicately touching the fine strands of gold that made up her hair.

"The miners said that if you could return back to this life. That the man that can wake you will be gifted with riches beyond gold. I can only imagine that that gift would be your love. I know that you spoke to me. That you asked me to stay. And I promise that I will do that. I will remain here until you tell me to leave. I am your servant. Your slave. Yours to command." The little lion continued, as he leant down and gently kissed the golden lips of the princess. The moonlight seeming to shine even brighter as Tyrion breathed into the figures mouth.

"I will see you when the sun rises, my lady. And I will ensure that we find you a place more fitting for you to rest." Tyrion added, as he slowly and reluctantly left the room. The little lion not noticing as a bright light began to fill the great hall. 

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