The New Partner - Part 2 - Sandor x Reader - Modern AU

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So I decided to do a second part to The New Partner, as I enjoyed writing the first part so much.

Warnings: Violence, mentions of death, assault. Language.

"No (Y/n), I'm not gonna let ya do it, the guy is out of his mind. What happens if somethin goes wrong?" Sandor said, crossing his arms and staring at his partner.

"Look Sandor, your concern is duly noted, but I'm not going to let anyone else put themselves in danger. We need to get this guy off the streets before he kills someone else." (Y/n) said, as the two sat in the meeting with Captain Lannister.

The Cap leaned back in his chair looking at his two best detectives. "Look Clegane, I know that you're concerned for (Y/n)'s safety but she is right, (Y/n) is thoroughly trained for such an undercover operation, and she is the one that looks closets to the victim profile. When he sees her on the streets, he won't be able to resist, and we can get that scum behind bars."

Sandor wasn't happy about his partner being used as bait for a serial killer, but he knew that the Cap and (Y/n) were right. The Makeup Murderer, as the press had dumbed him, due to the fact that he would remove any makeup his victims already had on, and would replace it with products that had analysed and shown to have come from the 1960s, had strangled 12 prostitutes already and was showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.

(Y/n) was just the killers type, and Sandor hated it; and even more he hated the fact that every man in the entire precinct would be in the squad room waiting for (Y/n) to show when she came out dressed in her undercover clothes. Sandor had seen the outfit, when he had walked into the Cap's office as they discussed the undercover sting; he already found (Y/n) beautiful when she was dressed in her usual dark suits, and he would be lying if he said he didn't want something more than just the working relationship they had, but when he had seen her in the black thigh high boots, stockings, short skirt and tight top his eyes had nearly burst out of his head, as every secret fantasy he had ever had about (Y/n) came rushing to his mind.

He couldn't help but desperately swallow the large lump that had formed in his throat as he watched her lean over the Cap's desk looking at a map of the locations where the victims were believed to have been picked up from. There was part of him that wanted to throw the Cap out of his office, lock the door, and take (Y/n) there and then on his desk; to tell her he wanted her, to tell her he wanted this to be more than a working relationship, but he held himself back knowing that she wouldn't feel the same, and he didn't want to ruin what they already had.

"Fine." Sandor huffed. "Why don't I go along as her pimp? That way I can keep an eye on her, and make sure she's safe."

Both (Y/n) and the Cap turned to look at him, their eyebrows furrowed, with incredulous looks on their faces.

"You're joking right?" (Y/n) said, almost laughing in disbelief.

"Sandor, I'm not being rude.........but to most people you're big and scary, and intimidating. There ain't a John worth his salt that would come within a mile of me if he saw you hanging around."

"That's the plan." Sandor said under his breath. He knew she was right, he knew the best place for him was in a car nearby watching her every move, ready to rescue her like a knight in shining armour when the time was right, but that didn't mean he had to like it.


Two days later the team sat in the meeting room getting their final debrief from Captain Lannister, they all knew the roles that had to play, but as one of their own was putting themselves in danger they were on high alert. The sting was that night and the importance of it was not lost on anyone.

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