The Littlest Lion - Tyrion x Reader

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"(Y/n) my love, you must be careful; the Maester said that you had to take things easy." Tyrion said, rushing over to take his wife's hand, leading her to a chair.

"You know that the little one is due to arrive any time now; you were told to stay in bed; I can't have anything happen to you or our child." The worried man said, racing around getting (Y/n) her favourite book, some pillows, and a glass of water.

(Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle as her husband fussed and worried, passing her all manner of things that she didn't need. It was hard now to believe that their marriage had been forced on the pair, an evil whim of Joffrey's who thought that it would be amusing to give the eldest daughter of the treasonous Ned Stark to his despised uncle.

The relationship between the two had been strained in the beginning, much to Joffrey's delight; it wasn't that (Y/n) hated the notion of being wed to the small man, it was more due to the fact that Tyrion was a Lannister, and for that reason alone she disliked him. Tyrion had been as nice as he could to his new young wife, understanding all too well her feelings towards his last name, and family, and he reassured her that he would never expect her to do anything that she did not feel comfortable with.

As the time had passed, (Y/n) had become more relaxed in Tyrion's presence, and he had even been able to make her laugh occasionally, much to his delight. Even though he knew that Joffrey had made them marry believing that the match would make the pair miserable, Tyrion couldn't have been any happier; (Y/n) was intelligent, and beautiful, with a head of jet black hair, and azure blue eyes that Tyrion got lost in every time she looked his way. Like her beloved father she had a good kind heart, she was fiercely protective of her family, whom she loved deeply, and she had an unwavering sense of honour and justice; traits that Tyrion found incredibly alluring.

Their lives, and relationship had changed one day when Tyrion had made his way to their shared chambers, to find his young wife sitting on the floor crying.

"(Y/n), why are you crying?" Tyrion asked, as he moved next to her, gently taking her hands away from her face to discover a blackened eye and bloodied lip.

"Who did this to you?" He growled, taking his wife's face in his hands.

"Joffrey. I got in the way of him punishing Sansa, so he had Meryn punish me instead." (Y/n) told him, grabbing hold of Tyrion's shirt and burying her head into his chest.

"I'm sorry my lord, I should not be weeping; I shouldn't let that little shit get the better of me." She said, holding onto him tighter.

Tyrion chuckled. "What else is a husband for? It is part of my role to comfort my wife; and you are right, Joffrey is a shit, but don't worry, I will take care of him." He said, softly combing his fingers through her long hair.

"Thank you, Tyrion. You are too kind to me and........."

Tyrion waited for (Y/n) to continue as she seemed to be contemplating what to say or do next; then to his shock, and utter delight, she slowly reached up her hand caressing his cheek before she placed her soft full lips to his. She moved away for a moment, seemingly shocked by her own actions, only to return quickly for another kiss then another, as Tyrion pulled her close not wanting her to move away or lose the feel of her lips against his.

Tyrion was even more shocked when he felt her hands begin to move over his body, desperately trying to remove his clothes; he followed suit, not believing that the day that he had so longed for had come. He pulled on the strings of her gown, the material pooling around her feet as she stood and took him by the hand leading him to their bed.


"Your Highness, I'm afraid that I have been unable to rouse your uncle and lady Lannister." A guard told Joffrey the next morning.

Joffrey had sent for Tyrion and (Y/n) in hopes that he could find some new way of torturing the pair for his own amusement; but finding out that neither of his victims were coming, both angered and intrigued Joffrey.

"Maybe they have finally both killed one another." Joffrey chuckled, looking over at Meryn.

"Perhaps we should go and see." Joffrey said, standing from his throne, and making his way to their chambers, with Meryn in tow.

As the two got closer, the air filled with the sound of erotic moans and groans which made it obvious that neither Tyrion nor (Y/n) were dead; much to Joffrey's anger, it was clear that his little plan had most certainly backfired.

Suddenly the doors to the chamber flew open, Joffrey stomping into the room, as Tyrion quickly covered up (Y/n)'s naked form, shielding her body as best he could.

"I sent for you uncle, how dare you not come when you are called." Joffrey growled angrily as he looked at the pair.

"Well, if your Highness had been few minutes later, I would have already come." Tyrion said, a twinkle in his eye as he looked over at his sullen nephew, hearing (Y/n) giggle quietly behind him.

"Then you can come now!" Joffrey said, his face growing redder with anger.

"When your majesty leaves, I am sure that by beautiful wife will indeed allow me to come." Tyrion told his nephew, looking over his shoulder at a softly blushing (Y/n).

Joffrey turned around and left the room, seething that his plan to rid himself of the oldest female Stark and his uncle had not worked out.

"Well my love, shall we finish what my nephew so rudely interrupted?" Tyrion said, as he lay (Y/n) back on the mattress.

"I would like that very much lord husband." (Y/n) told him, as she pulled him on top of her.

Now all this time later, (Y/n) was heavily pregnant with their first child, and Tyrion had become more protective than he had ever been.

"Tyrion, please stop fussing, the little one and I are fine; I simply went for a walk in the g....g....gard................. Tyrion! Get the Maestre quickly." (Y/n) screamed as she clutched at her stomach.

"The little one is coming!"

Tyrion had been waiting for what felt like hours, listening to his beautiful wife scream in pain. He wanted to be in there, but he had been forced out, and now he could only pray to any god that was listening, that both (Y/n) and their child would be fine.

"My Lord." A voice said from behind him, causing Tyrion to turn quickly, wide eyed as he looked up at the Maestre.

"You may see lady Lannister and your son now."

Tyrion rushed into the room, desperate to see his wife and his new born son.

"Tyrion, look, he's perfect." (Y/n) called out tiredly, as Tyrion made it to her side.

Tyrion looked down at the little bundle in (Y/n)'s arms, his face growing sombre as he saw that like him, his child had be born a dwarf.

"(Y/n) I am so sorry; this is all my fault." Tyrion said, dropping his head into his hands.

"Tyrion, what is your fault? What are you talking about?" (Y/n) said, placing a hand on Tyrion's back, concerned at her husband's distress.

"He's like me (Y/n), he's just like me." Tyrion said, desperately trying to hold back the tears.

"Yes Tyrion he is, he is utterly perfect." (Y/n) said, looking down happily at the little creature in her arms.

"But he's a dwarf, he'll go through the same things I went through." Tyrion said, still unable to look at his wife.

"No Tyrion, Roan won't; because he has two things that you never had; he has you for a father, and me for a mother, and no one, but no one will harm the child of a lion and a wolf, because if they do, they will find that the wolf has teeth and claws. Now for goodness sake, say hello to the most adorable little lion ever." (Y/n) told him, pulling Tyrion over so that he could see their perfect little creation.

"So, Roan is it? I like that, Lord Roan Lannister has a ring to it." Tyrion said, finally kissing his wife and new son.

As the years passed, and even though more little lions joined Tyrion and (Y/n)'s pride, Roan would always be their littlest lion.

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